Your best DirtyBomb Meme?

(APRenpsy) #41

Surprised no one posted any reloading memes…

Also this is what I feel when I run out of ammo and just go on a knifing spree

(Szakalot) #42

[quote=“APRenpsy;19321”]Surprised no one posted any reloading memes…


enemies can’t hear you say ‘reloading’

(APRenpsy) #43

[quote=“Szakalot;19337”][quote=“APRenpsy;19321”]Surprised no one posted any reloading memes…


enemies can’t hear you say ‘reloading’[/quote]

Oh did not know that… interesting.

(Szakalot) #44

basically you can hear enemies shouts of pain, and taunts

(chickenNwaffles) #45

Oh boy, do I love memes.

(Guilte) #46

42ynnad is my favourite

(Thai-San) #47

So it doesn’t work anymore…

And that feeling as Sawbonez when there’s not a single enemy around…

(AdmiralTeddy) #48

@ThaiSan if I had cookies i’d be drowning you in em right now.
both of these keep happening, but you know what i’ve learned to revive these bitches right before they die so they get a -xp for suicide HUEHUEHUE

(AdmiralTeddy) #49

Me vs every proxy, or when i’m playing proxy xD

(Rubenoo123) #50

Tnx to @Sniff

How2SnipeMLG By Sniff

(Thai-San) #51

@blushHumdinger Oh how much I hate that mechanic… makes me rage every time.

(Rubenoo123) #52

@ThaiSan Haha me2 i hope that he will get better/more balanced

(AdmiralTeddy) #53

I don’t always play with vassili but when I do i go 1/29/0
Oh and that 1 kill was with another merc.

(Rubenoo123) #54

This one is for @Oen and @GM_Radrodo

(Oen owned the GM hard last night :smiley: )

(Rubenoo123) #55

Scumbag Fletcher by like:

(_Sniff_) #56

[quote=“blushHumdinger;19758”]This one is for @Oen and @GM_Radrodo

(Oen owned the GM hard last night :smiley: )[/quote]
Trolling GM’s is never not fun

(AdmiralTeddy) #57

@sniff god I can’t stop smashing replay on that, too funny XD

(Rubenoo123) #58

[spoiler][quote=“Sniff;19807”][quote=“blushHumdinger;19758”]This one is for @Oen and @GM_Radrodo

(Oen owned the GM hard last night :smiley: )[/quote]
Trolling GM’s is never not fun

(GM-Radrodo) #59

[quote=“Sniff;19807”][quote=“blushHumdinger;19758”]This one is for @Oen and @GM_Radrodo

(Oen owned the GM hard last night :smiley: )[/quote]
Trolling GM’s is never not fun

I can’t believe you’ve done this ;3

(GM-Radrodo) #60

[quote=“blushHumdinger;19758”]This one is for @Oen and @GM_Radrodo

(Oen owned the GM hard last night :smiley: )[/quote]

I had the wrong sniper!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ QQ