You can slide down ladders by hitting crouch.

(SphereCow) #1

I did NOT know this. Why didn’t any of you jerks tell me?

(Dthy) #2

Because you never asked :slight_smile:

(Donnovan) #3

I also was not aware of that. And don’t remember to have seen players doing that.

(INF3RN0) #4

Also G pushes other players :). You may know that one, but then you may not know of something me and adhe like to call 2-man boost trick jumps :D.

(darthmob) #5

Normally I would refer you to the official forums but meh that isn’t possible anymore. There are quite a lot of small things you can do in ETQW. The only other thing that comes to my mind is that leaning has an effect on vehicle handling.

(signofzeta) #6

for me, it’s one of those things that I use all the time, but never notice it.

(SphereCow) #7

I only learned this by looking through the scripts, funny, huh?

I used to love pushing/kicking people into their own mines in Wolf, but they nerfed the distance in ETQW.

Also, where have you been? Been sniping a ton, lately. Only a 1000 times more efficient than I used to be.

(light_sh4v0r) #8

I knew that one, the vehicle lean function I learned from someone else long after I got the game though.

(INF3RN0) #9

[QUOTE=Luddens Desir;226848]
I used to love pushing/kicking people into their own mines in Wolf, but they nerfed the distance in ETQW.[/QUOTE]

Me and Adhe were messing around and found that it is possible to jump boost another person to get them to some hard to reach places. Only found a few “useful” places to use it, but it can be fun :D.

[QUOTE=Luddens Desir;226848]
Also, where have you been? Been sniping a ton, lately. Only a 1000 times more efficient than I used to be.[/QUOTE]

I haven’t had less than 400 ping in the last month :). Playing SC2 Beta and a dota style game with peeps. I’ll try and get on an fps in the next few weeks me thinks.

(signofzeta) #10

lol, much to my surprise, you can do the sliding down ladder thing in Wolfenstein too. Like I never put the two and two together.

(Szakalot) #11

Its useless, its always faster to turn around and let yourself fall
you see were are you falling. When sliding you look at the useless ladder.

(BioSnark) #12

You get fall damage that way. If you break your slide before hitting the ground you don’t.

Desecrator + lean = win.

(Szakalot) #13

[QUOTE=BioSnark;226940]You get fall damage that way. If you break your slide before hitting the ground you don’t.

Yes of course, but the high majority of ladders is pretty small and the damage is totally negligble.
If you have reasons to go down the ladder, its better get down asap.

(light_sh4v0r) #14

I would agree, I don’t often climb down ladders at all. You’re so vulnerable when on a ladder that it’s probably more efficient to take the falling damage but keep control over your character than hanging out in the open without any escape mechanism.

(darthmob) #15

That’s where a high sensitivity shines. If you want to go down a ladder fast and silently or without taking damage you jump down and do a 180° flick to face the ladder and back again before you reach the bottom.


(INF3RN0) #16

I don’t think I used ladders enough to make it worth anything now that I think about it :).

(AnthonyDa) #17

Few people are aware that you can zoom in/out with the 3rd eye camera too …

(Dthy) #18

Some are unaware that it is quicker to zoom with the sniper rifler using F instead of the mouse wheel

(brbrbr) #19

i wish Brink has slideroll from FarCry2.
so while you rush/strafe[&etc], hitting “crouch” button helps you make simple/quick evasive/offenvie advance[2 save ur ass at least].

(Susefreak) #20

[I think you are looking for the wishlist] [judging for your post] [which is in the section above this one] [no not the thread, but the section] [I could be wrong though] [but then again it seems like a brink wish topic] [if that is the case it might be a good idea to post it there] [unless you don’t wanna] [but that’s up to you ofcourse]