Yes, playing Enemy Territory: Quake Wars still amazes me to this day.
It amazes me that after 4 years, so many people still don’t know how to play it. I’m not talking about leet shooting skills. Goddamn, I’ve been playing since the demo and am still working on that. But, things like… mines on the vents. Really? You haven’t ever wondered why you always have most TKs on Volcano?
It amazes me that after 4 years, people still don’t know how to start the game. (Ultra Super Elite tip: Press F3 (the function key, not the letter and number))
It amazes me that after 4 years, GDF is still all anyone wants to play and even more amazing how many are still GDF or /quit. Except for Quarry, of course. If it wasn’t for that map, I would forget there were two factions to play as in this game.
However, after these 4 years, the one thing that amazes me the most, is that there are still people playing. Even in the early days, I wondered how long I would be playing ETQW. There were never stellar numbers. (Although, after Brink, I’ll be revising what I consider a successful game.) I figured, once again, I fell for a niche game that would die off overnight, leaving me staring at an empty server browser.
Again, amazingly (word abuse!) over the last 4 years, I’ve (almost) always been able to play online, with people, when I wanted to. For that, I thank you all. Newbs, GDFists and friends alike. Oh yeah, and Splash Damage, for making a truly kickass game.
GGs Everyone and I hope many more.