Wolf: MP

(matsy) #122

Looking good!

(Tandem) #123

nice nice !

(reaply) #124

I hope this doesn’t go to waste.

(BackSnip3) #125

Slowly working on it :wink:

(Teuthis) #126

Is this exciting project still Alive? Results so far Look awesome.

(Chronicler) #127

Seems to be.

(Teuthis) #128

Seriously if this Mod ever Sees the light of the Day I will dig in Mapping for QW too. However, from Start of this Thread Till today are so many years that I Hope this Thing doesn’t go down the drain.

(.Chris.) #129

I’ve not been active for some time now so not heard from any of the other guys, we were aiming to push some basic features together along with completing the battery remake and releasing a test version earlier this year but real life got in the way.

I’ve had a quick look at the progress for the map and 95% of the brushwork is done, only the command post bunker needs remaking and the layout is there minus small details. One thing we’ve always lacked in terms of maps was sufficient model props and textures to fully flesh out the maps.

(KeMoN) #130

Chris, my offer still stands! I’m happy to support our sister project with the textures from ET:Legacy and ioRtCW (the latter being only half-complete for now). If you are interested, give me a shout.

(Mateos) #131

Do you have an example of a (simple if possible ^^’) model which you’d like someone to make? :slight_smile:

I also remember I proposed to help mapping-wise, but in the end I’ve done nothing excepted installing the SDK and trying few things… The SDK is cool since it’s close to GtkRadiant, so easy to use it when you map for ET, but I’m not familiar with team work mapping-wise, especially update tracking…

(.Chris.) #132

We’ll talk when next on IRC about this, maybe some time during next week.


These are some of the models I required earlier in year, not sure how much progress backsnipe made.

The last bit has always been a bit of problem for us as we never got around to putting together anything proper apart from a dropbox which backsnipe set up.

(Mateos) #133

Thank you for the link :slight_smile:

(Chronicler) #134

Well, slow progress is still progress :slight_smile:

I also offered some assistance before, or a role in organizing it all. Hopefully once this mod is finished or ready for a testrun we can do it on one of TAW EUs events.

(Infinitypl) #135

Can you send us some screens? I though this project is dead :frowning:
Im realy happy that something happens with it :smiley:

(Teuthis) #136

Good to See that something is Going on Here. I Love this idea and am convinced it will Fly Very well. If SDK is like the GTK radiant as Mateos Said, there should be no Big issues with the Transition. I guess we’d need some Tutorials for the Little Details but since we all know how much Time and Heart needs to be invested to make a Decent Map I Would Prefer to First see the test Run before I jump on this. Do I understand correct that the First and only map is Going to be Seawall battery? I guess I Would then be a good candidate to work on goldrush :slight_smile:

(Mateos) #137

Main problem has been the player size, different between the two engine versions, iirc

The thing with Gold Rush is that it has a lot of different and unique textures, but heh, maybe KeMoN work can help here… :stuck_out_tongue:

(Chronicler) #138

There is actually already several maps made that are at least similar to the Wolfenstein maps for Quake Wars, such as Siwa Oasis, Gold Rush, Radar and many others. I would say that many of the things made by numberobis in his version of Siwa Oasis looks very much like the original Wolfenstein map, similar with Gold Rush. So I don’t think that much has to be done from scratch. Radar is really nice as well.

(Mateos) #139

Based on your post, found this:

Interesting… I keep the link in a corner :slight_smile:

(Chronicler) #140

[QUOTE=Mateos;512619]Based on your post, found this:

Interesting… I keep the link in a corner :)[/QUOTE]

Well, that’s from 2010, and numerobis is still working on it, I don’t have his latest version, but the version I have is pretty playable and most bugs are gone.

EDIT: If you have Quake Wars I can show these maps to you

(Mateos) #141

Does he have a website or else where he posts some info about his work?