... with more on the way soonish.

(nUllSkillZ) #1

SD Dev Diaries Galore/Ahoy/Roundup

You can find previous SD dev diaries here, here and here, with more on the way soonish.

Thank you very much for these very well written dev diaries.
I’m enjoying the reading very much.
And can’t wait to read the next.
Very much appreciated.

(Ifurita) #2

If I can make a humble request. I’d like to see a dev diary from a mapper, like NakedApe or Lloyd. Most of the ET community mappers have mapped with the benefit of having played the game, but what is the mapping experience like when you might be mapping in advance of the game. How do you map when all the tools, classes, objectives, abilities, etc haven’t been fully developed and refined?

(CH4NDL3R) #3

that would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

(cptincognito) #4

Mapping and gameplay have had the dev diaries so far- how about something from the modeling/texture/lighting department? Effekted?

(carnage) #5

modeling/texture/lighting department? Effekted?

watch the quakecon dev vids there is plenty information about the new texture sets, sub tree specific lighting and modeling is likely to be pretty similar to doom3/quake4 also there is information kicking around the forum about limitations

a dev diary would just be a pretty document to give the day to day gamer a bit of an insight into the development process. if you wanna know more specifics like modeling and lighting the modding scene might be more what your after