Looking good! The mapscript is a little bit overwhelming at first, but you can do it! When doing a mapscript, a generic mapscript with no objectives should be made first to make sure the script is working properly. After the generic mapscript is working, add generic functions for the objectives. After the generic functions for the objectives have been added, I suggest adding objectives one by one, checking that each objective works before moving on and adding another objective. Also, which types of objectives will you be having in your map? Each objective is scripted differently in the mapscript. I have not finished all the tutorials for the objectives yet, but hopefully will soon.
I have attached all the tutorials I wrote to implement mapscripting so others may use it. Again, this is my work so please don’t change anything. If you find any errors or want further clarification let me know. I suggest completing the tutorials in the following order:
First-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Last
Creating the mapname.md, map.script, mapname.script, Expanding mapname.script: Objectives
Mapscripting.zip (3.4 KB)
Happy ETQW mapmaking!
p.s. The guys in TAW would love to try out your map when it is complete! We have many people who play ETQW and you’re always welcome to join us.