[WIP] Golfech Nuclear plant

(here) #21

It doesn’t work with a model :confused:
Just tried to export a full closed model and applied textures/editor/ambientportal
with no results my ambientcubemap is lighting the overall map not only inside the model.

All screenies are deleted
I can’t continue this map due to french power plant rights.

But after discussing I just have to change some objective process. So I’ll keep it up :stuck_out_tongue:

(here) #22

Hi there !

Can someone give me a link for a good explain of all commands and declarations for scripting your map ?

How do we make a bumper on ETQW ? I can’t found a trigger_push into the worldeditor OO
I want to make a constructible bumper for stroggs.

some screenines of the progress :


(Chronicler) #23

[QUOTE=here;530937]Hi there !

Can someone give me a link for a good explain of all commands and declarations for scripting your map ?

How do we make a bumper on ETQW ? I can’t found a trigger_push into the worldeditor OO
I want to make a constructible bumper for stroggs.

some screenines of the progress :


I’m sure that Assassin will be willing to help you once he comes back (he is currently on a cruise), I think he was looking into scripting not long ag, so he might have some of the responses you are looking for. His cruise would max take 2 weeks I heard.

EDIT: And map looks great btw. Will you have objectives or will it be another kind of map?

(Assassin4004) #24

Hi! If you are just trying to make a constructible objective then that’s easy and I can help you with it. If you are trying to make it so once it is constructed the bumpers can push you away from it, then that’s a lot more difficult and I don’t think I can help much. Looking forward to hearing from you.


(here) #25

Thanks for replies

That’s exactly the second choice, and the most difficult.
I want to make a constructible/destructible bumper for stroggs

I also need to know how to set up my map script.

A simple question how do you make a bumper like slipgate (on q3 there was a trigger_puch and a null_target) ?
But no trigger_push here OO

(taw_m0nsta) #26

Looking forward to play! Maybe i should take some time soon to create a custom campaign with only new/latest maps for our Pubic Custom server.

(Assassin4004) #27

Yeah I don’t think there are any trigger_push entities. You’d probably have to create your own entity in scripting to do that. What do you mean by…“bumper like slipgate”? Like just something where you bump into it, it pushes you away? You could try using slanted jump-pads if that was the case.


(Crytiqal) #28

I think he means jumper? Slipgate doesn’t bump afaik; strogg go through and gdf just die

(here) #29

I was meaning the bumper into the core on slipgate


humans and stroggs can use it. It’s just pushing you up.

thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

(Assassin4004) #30

Thanks Crytiqal and here for clarifying that you meant jump pads. I have a tutorial that I wrote on them but I don’t have the hard drive with me right now, I’ll have it sometime tomorrow and can send you the info. Jump pads also work on vehicles, unless you block vehicles from using it via a different entity/material. Happy map-making!


(Assassin4004) #31

Hey here, I just sent an email with instructions I wrote on how to do jumppads. Please do not distribute my personal email to anyone. I sent an email to you so you may contact me with map making problems, but I still strongly recommend posting your problems on this site so others experiencing the same problems can be helped as well.

This tutorial only shows how to set up a jumppad. No map scripting is needed for a normal jumppad. Please finish this tutorial first and I can then guide you with making the jumppad a constructible objective/mission. Please let me know when you successfully completed my tutorial and have compiled your map where your jumppad works correctly!

For others that wish to learn how to do Jumppads I have attached a zip file containing a Jumppads.html document I wrote that can be opened in an internet browser. Please give credit where credit is due please. I have spent a lot of time creating many tutorials including this one. I plan on eventually releasing its entire contents to everyone when I get more tutorials accomplished. If anyone using any of my tutorials finds any errors or would like further clarification please let me know. Please don’t attempt adjusting the html file itself because it’s my work.

Jumppads.zip (1.02 KB)

(here) #32

Hey, really thanks for the tutorial,
I’ll keep it for me or here, don’t worry about that.
It works perfectly,

I need now a tutorial to make the map script and declarations,
How to link all the objective to the script,

I watched the other maps’ scripts I really do not understand what does it mean.
It’s really different from WolfET, and RTCW.

Here are some new screenshots :



(Assassin4004) #33

Looking good! The mapscript is a little bit overwhelming at first, but you can do it! When doing a mapscript, a generic mapscript with no objectives should be made first to make sure the script is working properly. After the generic mapscript is working, add generic functions for the objectives. After the generic functions for the objectives have been added, I suggest adding objectives one by one, checking that each objective works before moving on and adding another objective. Also, which types of objectives will you be having in your map? Each objective is scripted differently in the mapscript. I have not finished all the tutorials for the objectives yet, but hopefully will soon.

I have attached all the tutorials I wrote to implement mapscripting so others may use it. Again, this is my work so please don’t change anything. If you find any errors or want further clarification let me know. I suggest completing the tutorials in the following order:

First-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Last
Creating the mapname.md, map.script, mapname.script, Expanding mapname.script: Objectives

Mapscripting.zip (3.4 KB)

Happy ETQW mapmaking!

p.s. The guys in TAW would love to try out your map when it is complete! We have many people who play ETQW and you’re always welcome to join us.


(Chronicler) #34

Yep, I would definitely like to try it out on the TAW EU side once it’s ready :slight_smile: (If I remember right…you are EU right here?)

Once this map is done, Assassins is done, and Chris’s new map is done, we will have a new campaign :wink:

(taw_m0nsta) #35

Lets call it the ETQW2 campaign :oppressor:

(here) #36

Well, thanks. I’ve got some work
Yep I’m french.
Could be fun to play with real players. Most of filled servers are full of bots :frowning:
And I still have some troubles with PB, I didn’t solve it atm.

I notice with the lod there is a fading transition, how to disable it ?

(Assassin4004) #37

I used to have problems with PB, but people in TAW helped me through it…unfortunately I don’t remember what they had me do. Chronicler would probably be the best person to ask and if he doesn’t know he willl be able to point you in the right direction.

I don’t know how to fix your lod fading transition. You may have to increase the threshold value. There’s a lot of commands in ETQW…try typing in “r_” and press “Tab” and browse through the various commands. I saw several related to LOD but don’t know if that will fix your issues. Chris would probably know a lot more about this and you may want to consider asking him.

How’s the map scripting going? Have my mapscripting tutorials helped?

(here) #38

I didn’t start yet, I think I will finish all props before, It was just an anticipation.
Thanks for tips, I will try your option for my LOD trouble.

I’ll keep it up !

(Assassin4004) #39

Hey here, just have been curious how everything’s been going. I was looking at the scripting tutorials that I wrote and sent to you and realized I should have said one more thing. For all of these files/tutorials, whenever you see “mapname” don’t forget to replace it with your map’s name. This includes file’s names and the text within those files. For example: let’s say the map’s name is called castle. Instead of the file being called “mapname.script”, it would be called “castle.script”. The text in “castle.script”, would also be changed from “mapObject_mapname” to “mapObject_castle”.

I find it easiest to use Ctrl + F to find AND replace all occurences of “mapname” with “castle” or whatever the map’s name is. Just don’t forget some file names have “mapname” in them and also must be replaced.


(.Chris.) #40

Any progress on this map?

Did you ever fix your LOD problem? I only just saw it now, What I do in my maps is make sure the two LOD groups overlap each other slightly when they fade in and out, http://wiki.splashdamage.com/index.php/LOD_Groups explains how it all works, see “visDistFalloffInfo” section,

The fraction of the distance that the group is blended out. (e.g. if MinVisDist is 0, MaxVisDist is 1024, and visDistFalloffInfo is 0.25, the level will be faded out within 256 units)

Play around with that figure with the high detail and low detail LOD group. If you look in some of the example map reference files you can see how the stock maps did it. It can be a pain to get right sometimes, a foggy map helps too :slight_smile: