Will the next "BUFF" ULTIMATELY make Phantom GUD again?

(TheStrangerous) #1

After TWO AND A HALF YEARS of Phantom being the “Poopy Tier Lonely Virgin Merc”, after receiving nerf hammer pulled outa SD pants. He’s finally getting the ambiguous buff called “FULLY INVISIBLE CLOAK”, which has a lot of varying meanings.

So, what are your predictions?

I doubt it, with so many “buffs” that were suppose to fix him, something always went wrong. Or maybe I’m unable to get hyped for anything at all, these days. Thanks AAA gaming and your lies!

(Cordyceps) #2

I think the EMP change will def help with stealth, but I’m not sure how I feel about “uuncloak before action” instead of “uncloak upon action”. Yeah, you can get behind enemy lines easier, but then what? It’ll be way harder to go for those stealth katana kills.

(Your worst knifemare.) #3

@Cordyceps said:
I think the EMP change will def help with stealth, but I’m not sure how I feel about “uuncloak before action” instead of “uncloak upon action”. Yeah, you can get behind enemy lines easier, but then what? It’ll be way harder to go for those stealth katana kills.

It also doesn’t fit in as well with the “Fast paced gameplay” if Phantom has to spend a couple of seconds uncloaking before being able to do anything.

(TheStrangerous) #4

Well, if you’d remove uncloaking time, then say hello to The Hidden from “The Hidden” mod.

I was unfortunate to never experience Phantom in his prime release, back when he was a monster. But judging by the old vids…

Yeah, let’s not try to make him a Jedi… USE… GUNS!

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #5

Yes make him a Jedi able to deflect bullets with his katana.

Darth Phantom will inspire awe and terror in all.

(hoyes) #6

Well now he should be able to sneak behind enemy lines as designed (even if the noise remains, as it just gives you feedback that he might be about to decloak, rather than see this shadow, shoot it).

The pulse is also a good idea, and while I didn’t think he should have gone this route before , I believe this was actually quite a smart idea by designing him around stealthy gameplay, but ultimately having a utility that can be used by the entire team, without them both nullifying each other like they used to.

However, no idea if he will be picked, we will have to wait and see.

(Drac0rion) #7

It’s more than I expected from SD.

I need to test how easy it will be now to EMP enemy defenses without putting yourself at risk. If that aspect will now hold any value, I might consider the rework a success. If not, then instead of a rework I’d just call it a buff to pubstomping.

If you can’t EMP without putting yourself in immediate danger, then he’s still worthless as a comp pick. But if it’s too easy to run around invisible and execute 1 player assassinations or risk free EMPs on key deployables then he’ll soon get nerfed again.

I’m now more worried about the invisibility than EMP in his kit, but it all needs testing.
Glad that he’s finally equally valuable as an assassin on offense as much as defense thanks to the invisibility buff.

(Da_Mummy) #8

Since it’s exactly like TF2 spy now and he worked for 10 year… maybe. Not sure yet if it fits DB yet.

(Craikn) #9

DBTF2 Spyantom inc. ! :smiley:

(Craikn) #10

@Da_Mummy said:
Since it’s exactly like TF2 spy now and he worked for 10 year… maybe. Not sure yet if it fits DB yet.

but TF2 is slower and the spy can backstab EVERYONE onehit ^^* …aaand claok as another player…maybe FunTom needs that to :o ?

(TheStrangerous) #11

Pfff… TF2 spies.

Bothan Spies from BF2 did cloaking, before it was cool.

(Guziol) #12

Still gonna be shit.

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #13

I feel like the EMP after decloaking, if not used prior, is gonna be ass. Kinda takes away the control, especially if you are trying to be extra sneaky.

(LifeupOmega) #14

Full cloak means easy picks on medics/engineers every spawn wave. Hf with that.

(TheStrangerous) #15

@LifeupOmega said:
Full cloak means easy picks on medics/engineers every spawn wave. Hf with that.

So you’d rather fight with snipers? :slight_smile:

Time to develop Spidey sense, then.

([ *O.C.B.* ] Wildcard) #16

To be honest I doubt it will change a thing, outside of annoying the players who know how to play him and have used him in this screwed up state for long enough. It won’t change how ineffective the idiot newbie Phantoms are for the team; nothing will fix that because it’s something that requires gamesense, positioning, good timing, map knowledge and coordination. The fix for him is honestly something as simple as making the EMP a seperate ability from his cloak entirely, and maybe very minutely reducing the noise it makes (Just tweaking it by small amounts til it’s just right); it’s so loud that it’s nearly impossible to miss, at this point, without the Sneaky augment (Something that got phased out in Gen 2 cards but actually makes him playable). But what do any of us know; the majority of players, with any common sense, have been saying this about his Cloak’s EMP for a long time but apparently SD thinks they know better.

I probably sound mildly annoyed here but, in honesty, it’s hard not to be when this has been the trend for three years with this game; they make changes to appease the pub players and seemingly weigh input from the comp scene players less heavily (Despite the fact that most pub players these days are the same ones who I’ve had to explain what an Objective is to…). So, to be fair, “mildly annoyed” is likely putting it lightly.

(GatoCommodore) #17

@LifeupOmega said:
Full cloak means easy picks on medics/engineers every spawn wave. Hf with that.

so youre saying medics and engies needs to stick to the team more instead of sitting alone with their deployable on a corner?

(Xenithos) #18

@“Mr.Cuddlesworth” said:
Yes make him a Jedi able to deflect bullets with his katana.

Darth Phantom will inspire awe and terror in all.

We absolutely don’t need a genji.

(Xenithos) #19

@TheStrangerous said:
Pfff… TF2 spies.

Bothan Spies from BF2 did cloaking, before it was cool.
Original BF 2 was one of the best shooters ever made. I miss playing hero brawls on most eisley and wampa hoth battles and space point missions.

(Xenithos) #20

They’re going to likely forget to remove sound or they’re going to keep his cloak at the already unbearably short duration it has. But if the delay isn’t too long when uncloaking then he may be just fine! :slight_smile: