Will my computer be able to run Quake Wars?

(space) #61

Yeah basically the same price in Canda… so if your Canadian…


Or if you just need something real cheap to get the job done…



Eat 'er up =]

(NoControl) #62

That Celeron cpu is pretty much garbage when it comes to games, it will be quite a bottleneck. Also don’t buy low end cards like 7600GS with 512mb memory, it won’t benefit from it in any ways, 256mb is enough. And 2gb of ram is enough for any game atm.

(Diecast5) #63

ok I decided to get this card Ill be happy with this and for my CPU I can up grad it any time so Im happy with what I got . http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3041061&CatId=1560

(KAGE) #64

what do you think of mine

athlon 3200+ @ 2.4ghz
2gb ram
6800 ultra

(Grem-Gen) #65

Can run it with ease.

(murka) #66

more vram results in lower speeds, like 512MB might have 500MHz but 256MB has 900MHz(ehm which might be better now?)

(da.newb711@gmail.com) #67

This is my computer’s specifications:

Intel Core Duo 2Ghz
1 GB RAM (thinking of upgrading to 2 GB)
ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 (256 MB VRAM) It has the same specs as the regular ATI Radeon X1600

I can’t really upgrade my card because my computer is a laptop and the stuff inside it is packed so tightly. I actually have the Mobility Radeon but I compared my computer’s video card to the ATI Radeon x1600 one and found out that they have the same specifications. For me, the main worry is the card. I think 2 Ghz Core Duo is good enough. Could you guys fill me in on how well you think my computer will run new computer games (and of course Enemy Territory: Quake Wars when it comes out)?

(Nail) #68

go here:

test for Quake 4

(mortis) #69

I have a Core 2 Quad system with 2 CPUs (8 cores) overclocked to 4GHz with 4GB of DDR2-800 and a quad SLI nVidia 8800 setup (4 cards with 640MB of VRAM per card) with a 1000W power supply. Do you think that will run Quake Wars? :wink:

/me runs for cover

(SCDS_reyalP) #70

If your system isn’t on this list why are you even trying to play new games? Stick to pong and pac-man if you’re gonna be such a cheapskate.

(NoControl) #71

Too bad you can’t have pc like that yet.

(da.newb711@gmail.com) #72

No, try a game like Starcraft. But that would be pushing your luck. You might need to upgrade for that.

(fart666) #73

as promised: update!

my new baby: http://processorfinder.intel.com/details.aspx?sSpec=SL9UQ

beat that… :smiley:

some quad action: http://www.intelcapabilitiesforum.net/ISF_demo?s=a

not overclocked…yet :evil: will update later…

(Nail) #74

54 running processes ???
You’ll need all that RAM for sure

(fart666) #75


iam not fugger but a kinda happy person :slight_smile:

maybe a little better in some days…until then…good night, good fight (quake4 rocks with his mediocre smp support :wink: )

(M8DNanite) #76

1GHz overclock, aircooled :evil:

(Grey Matter) #77

Nice PC but i can still pee further then you can :stuck_out_tongue:

(fart666) #78


p5k is really the keeper… :slight_smile:

(SCi-Fi) #79

why over clock a quad?!?!

(fraSer) #80

Because his penis is this small