Will ETQW Run On Windows Server 2003 X64 R2 O.S. ?

(Constantine) #1

Good Morning Gents,
I have a brief but very important question to ask.

Will Server Admins be able to run the dedicated ETQW platform on Windows Server 2003 x64 R2 edition

I have just recently built a new game server for my gaming ISP to host several public shooting grounds.

The system (Dual, dual core Opty 275’s with 6GB of memory) is running the above mentioned Operating System. If this game does not support that OS then I will be changing it accordingly.

Thank you for your time.

(B0rsuk) #2

Admins might be able to, but players will avoid them. Unless constant crashes are their definition of fun.

(kamikazee) #3

I would say “why not”? It’s at least worth a try, even if your system would run in 32 bit mode.