Will ETQW have Last man standing?

(signofzeta) #1

RTCW does not have LMS
RTCW for xbox has Elimination which is basically LMS
Wolf ET has LMS

Now will ETQW have LMS? Where you try to eliminate the other team and you have a one shot chance? And a death means spectator mode?

I find that eliminating the other team can be part of the story too. If not, then it should be for gameplay.

(kamikazee) #2

LMS is actually one of the less frequently played game modes of W:ET, so maybe they didn’t add it.

Other than that, it’s all speculation as I can’t remember reading any of it.

(Flesh) #3

The real question is: what kind of game modes will ET:QW have?

(Bongoboy) #4


(RosOne) #5

It’ll have Objective and Stopwatch for sure. LMS is not confirmed AFAIK.

edit: wait a sec… was stopwatch confirmed?

(BrightSoul) #6

phew, thank goodness! I wouldn’t stand a Strogg running naked waving its… “weapon”.

(Flesh) #7

Actualy, I don’t think Strogg have any clothes

(]UBC[ McNite) #8

I know I played a lot OLTL on RtCW… which was LMS basically. Was that a special mod then?

(thewonderfulcar) #9

I think in the close-to-4 years that I’ve been playing Wolf ET, I’ve played Last Man Standing about twice.


Same here I guess.

Would it be too much work to put a few extra modes in the game? I mean, it’s always better to have a few game modes too much than not enough many modes. Of course still assuming that it hasn’t been too much work.

(signofzeta) #11

I think LMS would be very impossible seeing how the maps are super huge.

(murka) #12

if somebody wants LMS let him make a mod.

(eRRoLfLyNN) #13

sulks :frowning:

LMS is a fun mode but I agree with signofzeta it might not be so good for very large maps, like it seems the maps will be in QW. Still it would be a fun option if maybe smaller community maps come out in the future though.

(McAfee) #14

Would max lives set to 1 be the same as LMS ?

(kamikazee) #15

It simulates the “1 life, 1 attempt” part, but it would mean that the map would end after just 1 round. LMS players prefer to play multiple rounds in the same map.

BTW: If LMS would be in, they could use different parts of the map in different rounds.

(MuffinMan) #16

stopwatch is in, right? so 1 life and 3 rounds stopwatch would be lms…

(signofzeta) #17

Actually no. LMS is eliminate the other team. You only have one life. If you beat the other team by blowing up the objective like in stopwatch, then it isn’t LMS. Usually LMS maps have already blown walls and objectives are usually missing.

(nUllSkillZ) #18

Last Man Standing.
So the team with the last living player wins.
Only objective in W:ET stock maps is the command post.

(Zarkow) #19

In a proper LMS, it’s FFA, not team vs team…that would be Last Team Standing…

(MuffinMan) #20

Actually no. LMS is eliminate the other team. You only have one life. If you beat the other team by blowing up the objective like in stopwatch, then it isn’t LMS. Usually LMS maps have already blown walls and objectives are usually missing.[/quote]

so I mismatched lms with one life which I played a lot in rtcw - there you had the normal objectives, no changed maps but of course the chance of getting there was small