
(Violator) #1

Map runs fine in EditWorld but in pk4 get this…

(Donnovan) #2

Violator, its just a feeling, since i already saw those stretched things on Glory trees: this is related to imposters.

May be if you check the trees.

(Violator) #3

The trees do have imposters - what was the problem and how did you fix? I remember something about they need to be in a LOD group or they can’t be…!

(Violator) #4

I had two references with imposters but no LOD groups, I created some for them, rebuilt the map and magically the problem went away :o

(Donnovan) #5

From what i got i must use func_static and no LOD for trees with imposter.

model_static or LOD make a gap from model vanishing to imposter appearing, so you see no model tree and no imposter on the “Changing” range.

But about this strange error, i got it when i was trying to use a “imposter_[something]” entity i found on the glory.entities file (now i believe its not supposed to us, users, use it, its a engine thing).

I always recompile when i know i did nothing, or i know i did a safe thing, and got a strange result, because the error can be related to the compilation, and not related to what you did. I suspect that two different compilations with the exact same world file can lead to different PROCB and/or CMB files (also AAS etc). there is something random on it.

May be if you just had recompiled the map, the error can have been gone away with the wind.

(light_sh4v0r) #6

Epic jungle vegetation, your heart would stop beating if you got out of bed and saw that out of the window :slight_smile: