It’s impossible to determine a stomp based on my personal medic play alone so I couldn’t answer one way or the other. Yeah, I stomp teams when I’m Phoenix. Yeah, I don’t stomp teams when I’m Phoenix. Yeah, I get stomped by teams when I’m Phoenix. All of those scenarios have happened yes, and in a team game it’s almost impossible to tell if it’s solely on your performance alone. And in those rare moments you CAN tell, it’s usually because you’re killing everyone and doing all of the objectives alone, meaning you don’t need to heal or res ever.
Yes, that’s the point of medic. You keep your team alive and provide fire support on your cooldowns. The only thing better than a 5 man team is a 4 man team that never dies, consistently proven by the pocket medic tactic specifically designed to ensure the strongest player never dies.
lmao in pubs? Hell to the no
But it won’t make my playing even BETTER. That’s the point; I’m not in highly competitive environments with the best of players. Most people aren’t, won’t ever be, and designing the game for that environment alone would make it dull and horrible and I’m glad they aren’t.
Yes that means you charge your paddles for THREE seconds instead of FOUR. If you give extra health with Get Up, you just have to charge longer if you don’t have it. And as any medic, charging paddles for two seconds and tossing health is both FASTER and gives MORE health than using a whole augment and an extra second for the sake of saving a pack. And considering you usually get four whole packs that have a negligible/ignorable cooldown, it’s not damaging to spend a pack on picking someone up.
I’m absolutely paying attention and buffing everyone around me a completely unfair 20HP and giving them fire support for 5 full seconds at the cost of a half second tap, instead of sitting there for 3 or 4 seconds while my team dies on the chance that I can heal them before they go down. TTK is too fast to try and time it, I’d rather buff them more than they need to outlast the enemy and then add my own DPS to the mix. I can revive anyone that falls during a retreat if needed or after the firefight ends and then top everyone off with a one or two seconds hold to give them 30 - 50 revive HP and 40 - 60 heal HP. I pretty much never hold my heal in the middle of a firefight; you don’t need to give much instant HP to make the fight completely one sided in your favor. Yeah you COULD hold your charge for 4 seconds for your Fragger to survive a 2 on 2, OR you could double the DPS and take down one guy, tap him an extra 20 health and take down the next guy, then have 2 seconds before you get to heal AGAIN. By that time, I’m sure more players will be running over for health and you won’t have just wasted your entire health ability on a single Fragger, and you can do all of it without augments helping your cooldowns. Although I suppose you’ll have some rare and random situations where that extra whole FIVE HP will matter on your tap heal, right?
Most of the time, after throwing packs or zapping people up, there’s a good 5 - 15 or 20 seconds of no fighting where everyone’s cooldowns can pop/packs recharge/etc, so lowering your cooldowns on those things is pretty unnecessary, and it’s PLENTY of time for you to top off the team, and plenty of time for the automatic recovery to heal up high HP classes the rest of the way.
Again, they aren’t needed for 99% of players. In competitive, it only gives you an edge if both teams are equally skilled in tactics and shooting. A team of marginally higher skilled players with strong tactics and no augments will roll over a team of marginally lower skilled players with strong-ish tactics and good augments.
This game is far more focused on player skill and tactics for the augments to truly matter.