Why does so few people play SW?

(novelBastion) #1

There are atleast 3 times the OBJ matches running at any time and I don’t understand why.

Don’t people understand what SW is and they just see Objective and think COD/CS?

(Yak) #2

I don’t play it because team steamrolling happens way too much. If your team starts doing bad, people leave, and the enemy team wrecks your team even harder, causing more people to leave, etc. At least with objective you don’t have to sit through 20 minutes of spawn killing.

(classyRequiem) #3

With current “matchmaking” its much better to loose quickly and be done with your bad team, than getting wrecked twice.

(MethodOwn) #4

[quote=“Yak;28886”]I don’t play it because team steamrolling happens way too much. If your team starts doing bad, people leave, and the enemy team wrecks your team even harder, causing more people to leave, etc. At least with objective you don’t have to sit through 20 minutes of spawn killing.[/quote]This.

The maps in Dirty Bomb are all biased in favor of defenders, who have the advantage of always knowing where attackers are going to go because they must in order to progress.

If you’re stuck on the team attacking first in Stopwatch, you get to watch the defenders rack up a huge score while you die repeatedly trying to zerg the one thing that needs to be repaired or destroyed. This frustrates people, they leave the match, increasing the imbalance between teams even further, making it impossible to set a time the other team can’t beat when it’s their turn.

(Szakalot) #5

another reason is that XP doesn’t count for missions for the first round of SW

(watsyurdeal) #6

Because don’t know how to get on the point, JUST DO IT!

(Boto 1ava) #7

Obj is more convenient for a lot of players since it does take less time to complete and it isn’t really as intense as SW. I prefer Obj over SW because if I want to play a stopwatch game I’ll just play comp lol.

(Advanced) #8

This is it for me personally.

(Yahiko94) #9

I guess it’s the matchmaking. People just dont want to be forced to play with a bad team. So unlucky players in a bad team have to lose two rounds to get money/xp.

Another thing I noticed is that you get less money/xp with SW than with 2 Objectives. I could be completely wrong with that.

(S_Agarwalla) #10

[quote=“Yahiko94;42099”]I guess it’s the matchmaking. People just dont want to be forced to play with a bad team. So unlucky players in a bad team have to lose two rounds to get money/xp.

Another thing I noticed is that you get less money/xp with SW than with 2 Objectives. I could be completely wrong with that.[/quote]

I definitely agree with you on the fact that 2 objective matches give you more XP than a stopwatch watch. One of the reasons that I don’t play stopwatch. Another reason being that I don’t want to get stuck with a bad team for twice the time, and get like no XP even though I played for like 30 minutes.

(misspo) #11

What i don’t like with OBJ => WAITING TIME! It’s already huge on SW but with the faster-end of OBJ you don’t have the time to really play… You spend the majority of your time waiting that the game start, end, menu and restart.

(Whoisthis) #12

Do you mean the time between matches? It can’t be that much longer, can it? Has anyone timed it?

(Whoisthis) #13

I dislike SW because it takes twice as long and because I end up on losing teams all the time, probably because I’m willing to join matches in progress. Unfortunately an even game of SW is like a unicorn if it exists, there isn’t credible evidence it has existed. Plus you just don’t get the rewards from OBJ. Think of it this way, there is roughly a 1/3 chance to get a case after OBJ, it isn’t 2/3 after SW, but SW normally takes double the time. It’s not a good investment. I kept trying to find out why people would play SW and thought I was missing something, I think they only do it to complete missions, that’s the only reason I do. If I get a mission to win 2 SW matches, I just delete it and hope something better comes up in 3 hours.

(elfinBracket) #14

because there is no team balance

(Mayple) #15

I like rotating maps quite often during my playtime so I generally enjoy playing objective.

The other thing I’ve noticed which is purely just anecdotal, is that the games result in more stomps. It probably has to do with one team gaining an advantage and the other team has players leaving. If I knew that my team was much worse than the other team by the first half, chances are I’m going to leave before the second half as its not fun.

With objective you may get a stomp but its just once and the game shuffles the teams again when you return to the lobby.

(avidCow) #16

SW mode starts games that are 3 vs 6, and so on. It should try to auto-balance or else it’s all just a huge waste of time.

(Whoisthis) #17

Tonight I had a mission to complete 3 stopwatch matches. The last match was a perfect example of what is wrong with Stopwatch. We were the first attackers and we were obviously outmatched. With 6 minutes left there were only 3 of us and the other 8 players basically spawncamped us continuously for the last 6 minutes. I assume the other 2 players also had the same mission I did (forgot to ask). At one point I just suicided continuously to deny them kills. At the start of the next half they spawncamped us again until apparently one of them had a shred of decency and finished the objective over the howls of his fellow teammates. It was a spectrum of everything wrong with the US servers all in one game.

(Ballto) #18

i think its too long.

i get that its just two rounds of execution, but if your team is losing and has no way of winning its 15(ish) minutes of getting your shit rolled by a major defense then 10 for a good push

even if your teams are more or less balanced, i dont want to play two of the same map in a row. i could play 8 games of objectives and have more fun than 4 of stopwatch because maps change and i can safely disconnect if its a bad team without losing my experience

the map issue is also why i hate execution, at about the 4th round im bored of the map and there are only two options after the fact to finish my trihourlies

(nokiII) #19

Yes it does. You can even leave after the first half of a stopwatch match and get your xp for the missions as the second half counts as a completely new match.

(Dawnlazy) #20

Yes it does. You can even leave after the first half of a stopwatch match and get your xp for the missions as the second half counts as a completely new match.[/quote]

That’s an old, old post you’re quoting, at that time this bug really did exist, and it also occurred in execution every time it went into weekend preview events, where you’d only get the exp for the last round.