The 360 and PS3 versions of ETQW have host advantage, but it is more prominent in the 360 version than it is in the PS3 version. You’d be a veteran, and the host would be a noob, and the host would still win.
The other thing I hate about the 360 version, at least when I played it years ago, was that all the players flock to the GDF side, and of course the bots are dumb, and the human players always wins, which is why I lose every match, because the GDF side is full, leaving the strogg side empty.
This also happened in the PS3 too, but when I just used the Desecrator’s ability to strafe and spawncamp the GDF, then everybody flocked to the strogg side.
The 360 version doesn’t have strafing desecrators, while the PS3 version does. The PS3 version has every feature that the PC version would have, except for minor details in the maps, and control scheme, while the 360 version seems to have unnecessary changes, such as no cockpit view, no strafing desecrators, instant revival for strogg, no stroy up/down, no recoil for AR/LAC, no delay before firing rocket/oblit, doesn’t have the option to deploy, but you must respawn (that is, I can’t change my class long before I decide to respawn.) 360 version has less vsays, and you only say stuff like “Follow me”, “need a medic”, “I need Ammo”, and “I need a pickup”. “Follow me” is replaced with context sensitive vsays like “Repair the vehicle” etc. The PS3 version has everything the PC version’s radial menu has, such as “Yes” “No” “Thanks” and “Sorry”, among other things. The PS3 version has the bright cheery graphics of the PC version. The 360 version has faded looking graphics, and looks dull, with the exception of Outskirts, which is meant to look dull, except that in the 360 version, it is duller.
The one good thing the 360 version has is how deployables are done. Rather than selecting a deployable, and pressing triangle or circle to rotate the deployable, the 360 version’s way of doing it is you select the deployable you want, and the way you are facing is the way the deployable will face. I find that much better than the way that the other versions did it. Another thing is that, in the PC and PS3 version, you see part of the area of the map shaded green or red, and you wouldn’t know if it was red or green until you have that deployable hovering over that area. In the 360 version, you see the entire map in red slanted stripes where you aren’t allowed to place the deployable, at least that how it was the last time I could remember.
360 version has matchmaking, while PS3 version has a match browser, or whatever the PC version has as well.
So basically 360 version is the worst of the 2 console ports, if you can get past the PS3 version’s long load times. 360 version is also newbie friendly. It is like, go play the 360 version before you play with the big boys on the PS3. Then when you master the PS3 version, play with the veterans on the PC.