why does BRINK have so much haters ?

(tangoliber) #161

ETQW is automatically superior on consoles because it has a match browser.

He is right about aim assist, textures, framerate, empty games (thanks to matchmaking).
On PS3, I never noticed the sound issues… lag was gone after the summer patch except when playing with a low ping to the host obviously. Choppy movement probably comes from lag/playing with a low ping. Hit detection is fine, but large spread might be misinterpreted as bad hit detection. I’m not sure how the controls can be called clunky.

(signofzeta) #162

The 360 and PS3 versions of ETQW have host advantage, but it is more prominent in the 360 version than it is in the PS3 version. You’d be a veteran, and the host would be a noob, and the host would still win.

The other thing I hate about the 360 version, at least when I played it years ago, was that all the players flock to the GDF side, and of course the bots are dumb, and the human players always wins, which is why I lose every match, because the GDF side is full, leaving the strogg side empty.

This also happened in the PS3 too, but when I just used the Desecrator’s ability to strafe and spawncamp the GDF, then everybody flocked to the strogg side.

The 360 version doesn’t have strafing desecrators, while the PS3 version does. The PS3 version has every feature that the PC version would have, except for minor details in the maps, and control scheme, while the 360 version seems to have unnecessary changes, such as no cockpit view, no strafing desecrators, instant revival for strogg, no stroy up/down, no recoil for AR/LAC, no delay before firing rocket/oblit, doesn’t have the option to deploy, but you must respawn (that is, I can’t change my class long before I decide to respawn.) 360 version has less vsays, and you only say stuff like “Follow me”, “need a medic”, “I need Ammo”, and “I need a pickup”. “Follow me” is replaced with context sensitive vsays like “Repair the vehicle” etc. The PS3 version has everything the PC version’s radial menu has, such as “Yes” “No” “Thanks” and “Sorry”, among other things. The PS3 version has the bright cheery graphics of the PC version. The 360 version has faded looking graphics, and looks dull, with the exception of Outskirts, which is meant to look dull, except that in the 360 version, it is duller.

The one good thing the 360 version has is how deployables are done. Rather than selecting a deployable, and pressing triangle or circle to rotate the deployable, the 360 version’s way of doing it is you select the deployable you want, and the way you are facing is the way the deployable will face. I find that much better than the way that the other versions did it. Another thing is that, in the PC and PS3 version, you see part of the area of the map shaded green or red, and you wouldn’t know if it was red or green until you have that deployable hovering over that area. In the 360 version, you see the entire map in red slanted stripes where you aren’t allowed to place the deployable, at least that how it was the last time I could remember.

360 version has matchmaking, while PS3 version has a match browser, or whatever the PC version has as well.

So basically 360 version is the worst of the 2 console ports, if you can get past the PS3 version’s long load times. 360 version is also newbie friendly. It is like, go play the 360 version before you play with the big boys on the PS3. Then when you master the PS3 version, play with the veterans on the PC.


I think the game is unpolished. Do I hate it, hell no. Its a good game.

(Gradis) #164

it deserves it tbh.

(DarkangelUK) #165

omgitsjason seems like a pary review that had no idea where they were laying their basis, they had a goal but lost it in amongst a flurry of rhetoric’s and cheap parallel points. “I read a review and I copied it with a standard point”, really it felt like a ctrl+v review with less feeling than a thalidomides lower torso.

(JayDee) #166

It has some problems in gameplay department, but I think it makes up for it by having a great story (not the story campaign though. It needs a lot of fixin’).

As for the haters - because if it’s a class-based multiplayer shooter with heavily stylized characters, it MUST be a rip-off of TF2 and if it’s a rip-off of something, it is bad.
And the reviews. Oh my god, the reviews.


They are complaining about the polish of the game more than likely.

(gold163) #168

It’s not just about the polish. Parts of the game are flawed on a fundamental level. There are certainly parts of the game that could have used polish but other parts could have been re-imagined entirely. SMART, for example, is far less useful than the pre-release hype would have you to believe. It’s been discussed a countless number of times, but this is the result of a number of factors, including but not limited to the map design, the speed at which characters travel and animations resolve, and how SMART operates on a very basic level itself in contrast to its stated purpose. It’s not something you can fix with a couple of patches. You’d have to go back to the drawing board entirely. The concept is there but the execution doesn’t work in a way that players find very useful or accurate to the concept in the first place.

(H0RSE) #169

There are people here who try to justify their hate for the game by saying it is unpolished, unbalanced, unfit for competitive play, broken, etc., but it goes way deeper and personal for many people than that. Need proof of this? Look at threads started by community members discussing what they like about Brink or proposing new ideas, or simply anything that paints Brink in a positive light, and you see people hijacking the thread, bashing the game - like even the idea that anyone liking this game, angers them. If it was simply about poor game design choices, a deep-seeded feeling like this would not manifest itself in other posts.

(MR_TOM_E_GUNN) #170

I am a XBOX 360 player and I was pretty excited about the game and it did not live up to expectations. SMART was ok but not the biggest game changer as promoted. It was cool but it was just a few maps that really made it effective…Now the biggest…BIGGEST problem IMO was the lack of support in the early stages of the game. This game truly needed a beta on the 360 and PS3. I tried on 2 occasions through the original forum that was up during the initial release to start massive competitive multiplayer matches in an effort to build a Clan. I got plenty of participation from the community who was more then happy to give it a shot. We set up dates and times for the matches to start. But I don’t know if you ,OP, remember how horrible the net code was the first month of release. This was before they limited the games to 4v4 teams with 4 bots per team. This was when it was open for full 8v8 player games. We tried to accomplish this tall order. We really worked hard to establish just 1 game of 8v8. And that never…NEVER…happened. IDK what the root cause was, if it was server issues or the actual player connection IDK but the matches never happened. They would either jam up and become super slow and twitchy. Players could not join. Teammates would not end up on the same team. Never get a full and even game. NEVER. People would become frustrated and stop trying. Now mind you. We was easily able to connect together on Halo and COD with no problems. As that is what we all decided to do to see if it was us causing the problem but we did not have issues on either game. At that critical stage. That small window. You can not fail. Not when you are not an established franchise. The marketing was great. I don’t blame the marketing as it did its job and got me ready to play an awesome game. But the delivery was lacking. EXTREMELY LACKING. This caused massive backlash. And leaving SD to support a cross platform game with out the resources. The game would have benefit from a beta. And just for consoles a party lobby. But it left a bad impression on many players and they never really recovered. I don’t hate the game just moved on to play the better option. I came back today to the forum to see if anythings gotten better and I all see is that the community has shrunk and became the place for HARDCORE. I had hopes and really wished it would have worked. BUT IT DID NOT!!!

Mr Tom E Gunn

(Commander_Keen) #171

It’s amazing how many come out of the wood work for a signed mural.


If so many people hate it what’s that all about?

(trigg3r) #172

[QUOTE=Commander_Keen;399672]It’s amazing how many come out of the wood work for a signed mural.


If so many people hate it what’s that all about?[/QUOTE]
haha and i wonder how many of them have created multiple accounts just to have more chances of winning :confused:

(.Chris.) #173

Wonder how many of them still play the game.

(TruGamer97) #174

I do and there is still enough people to get into a game that’s nearly full and i’m cool with that.

(H0RSE) #175

SD didn’t develop the console version of ETQW.

(zenstar) #176

[QUOTE=Commander_Keen;399672]It’s amazing how many come out of the wood work for a signed mural.


If so many people hate it what’s that all about?[/QUOTE]

A lot of people dubbed “hater” are actually not haters. They’re super critical of the game, but they actually like SD and their games.

Yeah there are “haters” out there but a lot of complaints have come from people wanting the game to be better because they actually like the basis of it and the final implementation falls short of expectations.

(zenstar) #177

Brink is not the first multi-platform SD game but Brink IS the first game brought to all platforms by SD. ETQW ports were done after ETQW was complete on PC by some other company. Brink was made for all platforms at the same time.

This design philosophy has pros and cons.

(Commander_Keen) #178

Collectively what ever their “intentions” were they make it an unfun hang out for everyone and indirectly that hurts the game and ultimately SD.

goal achieved you’ll probably never see a BRINK 2 now.

(Ruben0s) #179

I think all the blame is for SD/Betheseda. They decided to release an unfinished game, no wonder that they get tons of haters. My intention was to show my dissatisfaction with the product Brink.

(RT1) #180

Had a mad, mad session last night (PC). Pretty intense on all sides.