why does BRINK have so much haters ?

(RT1) #141

While I’m easy to please and remain a big fan of Brink, involved in matches virtually every evening (been playing since launch), the solution I’m recommending to you non-playing haters is as follows:

Play Battlefield 3.

Like seriously. I don’t recall seeing any of you in a game of Brink recently, including the ever vocal (arrogant) Moya. And if all you’re going to do is troll the forum and not support what’s left of the shrinking, playing community, go find another game to play. Fully none of your best-reasoned, poetic verses matter if you’re not pulling the virtual trigger. That’s what I say.

Gaming support depends upon a symbiotic relationship between a game’s playerbase and the game’s designers. You want them to show you love? Show them love by buying their game and playing the hell out of it. They see the numbers in addition to the enthusiasm for playing their game and they’d be more likely to address your needs. As of now, and as much as I want to be optimistic about it, I honestly fail to see anything being done when there’s an ever-decreasing, playing audience and an inversely-proportional talking audience.

If you’re not playing the game, who exactly are you fighting for? Me?

How kind if so.

(light_sh4v0r) #142

We are actually fighting for ourselves, like pretty much everyone on the internet. We want SplashDamage’s next game to better suit our wants. Wether or not that will happen is entirely up to SD, but we’re making sure they know what we are looking for in their games.

(tokamak) #143

Haha yeah I just was about to say, Brink hardly has anyone left to hate the game any more.

(wolfnemesis75) #144

Brink had haters before it even came out. Just because its not Call of Duty or Quake that don’t justify the hate. It is fun if you give a fair shake.

(DarkangelUK) #145

I hated it because it wasn’t tetris, there weren’t nearly enough long or square blocks.

At the risk of repeating myself, Brink had a very positive following on all fronts before release… we even had a thread here dedicated to linking blogs, previews, write ups, hands-ons etc and it was pretty darn full. Where are you getting that it had massive hatred before it was released?

(tangoliber) #146

Before release, these forums were very hyped. Even two weeks after release, the forum atmosphere was still positive. I remember that most everyone assumed that SD was going to fix everything. Watch the old Brink TV stuff, and see how positive everyone was about how the game played. It was only as the wait for patches became longer and longer that the mood started to turn sour.

Its a good game though. A lot of the hardcore community played the hell out of the game early on and just got burned out. I got burned out a few times, took a break, and came back two weeks later or something. It wasn’t a comp game like we wanted. It wasn’t a casual game either. But I think it occupies the in-between space well. I find it very addicting. Its not something I can play exclusively, but I can jump in for a match once a week or so…and usually I get sucked in for several hours.

(.Chris.) #147

You wasn’t even here before the release…

(Humate) #148

Brink didnt really have any haters pre-release.
Not on this forum anyway, if anything we had a few too many one eyed fanboys blindly defending the game.
A lot of those guys no longer post - maybe they are the 30 people still playing? Who knows.

ETQW however had a crapload of haters pre-release, easy access to beta and demo made it easy for ppl to bash it.
That said, the game was good enough to maintain decent player numbers for years - so even if there were people that bashed Brink prior to release, its moot. There was no beta or demo, therefore there was no weight to the hate :poet:

(wolfnemesis75) #149

All you need do is go on Youtube and watch the trailer for brink and you’ll see tons of hate before the game even hit the store shelves. I followed the games for a while, and so it was there. Anything that isn’t a clone of Call of Duty gets hated. ETQW is a whole other conversation, one that ultimate is NOT the measuring stick for hate on Brink. It was COD. Simple as that. At the end of the day, Brink was fun. Unfortunately, ETQW is a different game, and Brink is not ETQW 2. On this formum, there was a ton of hate. All that aside, Brink is one of the gems that did something different and was unafraid to try to delve out its own niche. Fun game. Undeserving of the hate.

(tokamak) #150

Right, the Youtube comment section, the voice of reason on the internet, the place for engaging constructive dialogue.

(DarkangelUK) #151

Youtube comments… o…m…g

Most of them use this site anyway http://enjoys.it/stuff/youtubecommentgenerator.php

(Crytiqal) #152


Stop bashing on the “BRINK haters”, rather ask yourself where the hell are all the “BRINK lovers” if the game is soo much fun?

(.Chris.) #153

Following this logic COD trailers must be full with only positive comments…

Hope the creators of this game dies in aids, ****ing shame how this FPS is a best seller, worst fps I’ve ever played…Im in shock.

Oh wait…

How is this different from any other FPS released in the past 5 years or so?

No one has ever suggested otherwise, ever…

You was talking about pre-release though? Make your mind up. Fact is, the general mood around was quite positive on these boards pre-release, though there were a few sceptics, after the release this changed due to obvious reasons.

The same can be said for RTCW back in 2001 the main starting point for SD’s games.

W:ET then did something different by adding XP, extra classes, weapons, objectives and modes.

ET:QW then added asymetric teams, vehicles, deployables and larger maps.

Not saying all those changes where all good but they found their niches with those two games both of which got quite a negative reception from players of the previous title.

(Humate) #154

Like i said, the point of “pre-release hate” is moot.
If the game is good enough, it will maintain a following.
Brink just simply wasnt good enough.

(MoonOnAStick) #155

Hasn’t this dead tapir been flogged enough?

(wolfnemesis75) #156

a dead tapir is never flogged enough I guess. its dead. Hallelujah. maybe the next game will fair better love.

(signofzeta) #157

Yeah, um, I’ll just stick to the big 3.


Normally, I would run out to the store to buy Brink the first day it was released, but as of right now, I still don’t own the game, nor have I played it. Although there are good games nowadays, I just can’t spend any more cash on games when I could have just as much fun with the old games I already own.

(EpicStratagem) #158

Why do I hate brink (on xbox 360 at least)?

Because what I paid $60 for was not what I got excited for in the trailers. I really, really wanted to love brink. My friends and I were so ****ing excited about it and constantly reminded each other that the release date was closer and closer. We were prepared to be blown away! And we got something else instead.

For example
-Scratchy sounds abrasive to the ear.
-Terrible aim mechanics (aim-assist would hijack your aim. Recoil was impossible to control.)
-Textures (self explanatory)
-Laggy as ****
-Campaign clips and cinematics that were shown weren’t even in the game. (WHAT THE ****!?)
-Choppy movements/animations.
-Spotty hit detection
-GUI’s that we expected from the trailers were completely different from the game.
-Empty Lobbies
-Clunky Controls

Oh, and to the person that mentioned BF2 as one of the last greats in gaming. As awesome as that game was, the hit detection was bs alot of times. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve had my sights on a dudes face and WTF, where did the bullet go? Or maybe I hit him in the face and nothing happened. Perhaps I’ve hit him many times in several areas of the body, doesn’t stop him from killing me in one or two hits. Good game, but sometimes the hit detection/mechanics decide to go full retard and make the game not fun.

(gold163) #159

pardon me for asking, since I don’t know – did ETQW have nearly as many problems with its 360 version? Brink is not the first multiplat game SD has made. I know it’s probably been discussed numerous times before, but just what went wrong?

(DarkangelUK) #160

The issue lies in the fact that SD weren’t responsible for the console version of ETQW, technically Brink is the 1st multi-platform game that SD have worked on themselves so really this time round is a learning experience for them.