While I’m easy to please and remain a big fan of Brink, involved in matches virtually every evening (been playing since launch), the solution I’m recommending to you non-playing haters is as follows:
Play Battlefield 3.
Like seriously. I don’t recall seeing any of you in a game of Brink recently, including the ever vocal (arrogant) Moya. And if all you’re going to do is troll the forum and not support what’s left of the shrinking, playing community, go find another game to play. Fully none of your best-reasoned, poetic verses matter if you’re not pulling the virtual trigger. That’s what I say.
Gaming support depends upon a symbiotic relationship between a game’s playerbase and the game’s designers. You want them to show you love? Show them love by buying their game and playing the hell out of it. They see the numbers in addition to the enthusiasm for playing their game and they’d be more likely to address your needs. As of now, and as much as I want to be optimistic about it, I honestly fail to see anything being done when there’s an ever-decreasing, playing audience and an inversely-proportional talking audience.
If you’re not playing the game, who exactly are you fighting for? Me?
How kind if so.