vanilla spread in etqw wasn’t an issue at all - hit registration was.
and lol @ the brink comparison
why does BRINK have so much haters ?
I don’t know how vanilla QW had less spread… It seems that the Kross and Galactic are more accurate than the QW assault rifle. And the QW pistol has pretty crazy spread…
What is there to lol at? Random spread is random spread. Can be compared directly.
acc lac:
the “lol” wasnt personal tangoliber
it was more directed at brink’s spread
No problem.
It seems to me that on the hyper, the 4th bullet isn’t always that close. Sometimes its more removed.
I was playing with the Maximus, Euston and Gerund in comparison. When hipfiring, they seem to be accurate in 2 bullet bursts, and when using sights, they seem to be accurate in 3 bullet bursts… whereas the hyper seems to be accurate in 3 bullet bursts.
For the acc lacerator, I am comparing it to the FRKN and Rokstedi. It isn’t too accurate from the hip, as even the first bullet can be off point, but it is perfect when using sights. The Rokstedi seems the same from the hip when shot slowly…and there is more of a penalty with the Rokstedi when shot fast. When using sights, its pretty much perfect, but with the rapid fire attachment, there is a penalty for shooting too fast. The FRKN seems pretty much perfect when using sights, but not too good from the hip, because you lose too much accuracy on the 3rd bullet, and you have to wait a while between bursts.
I feel like the spreads aren’t that different and there are similarities between the guns, (except for the machine pistol which is really nice) but maybe its more of a balance issue, where Brink didn’t encourage people to burst fire enough, and didn’t reward the accurate guns enough. I’ve always wondered if the lack of a significant headshot bonus wasn’t the real culprit. If headshots counted for more, then I think tap-firing the Galactic (hipfire) would dominate Brink, since you get a constant head-sized spread clump at medium range, without spread bloom, at a pretty decent pace. The Kross gets accurate short bursts, but you have to wait too long inbetween bursts.
An island full of men killing each other, eventually everyone dies and then the next COD game comes out.
They would and are still playing vanilla etqw, probably because it’s not near as bad as brink was. I don’t know how brink is now, aside from the player count, because I uninstalled it after everyone I know quit.
I guess it’s just a matter of preference, really. I don’t really care if others ‘hate’ it. For as long as I, myself, enjoy it, then it’s all good.
I had a blast playing Brink. If they added 10 more maps I’d play even more. It really needed 20 maps. But that’s a broken record. It got way too much hate before it even came out. That’s the part that annoyed me.
If you foot the bill I’m sure they’ll easily add 10 more maps.
Btw it had tons of love before it came out, you wouldn’t know though cos you weren’t here at the time.
It’s not the amount of maps that matters, it’s the quality of them. There’s Counter-Strike players who spend hours upon hours on servers that only have de_dust2 on 24/7, and they absolutely love it. Hell, Wolf:ET came with 6 original maps, and look how popular that game still is.
Some of the hate came from those expecting one thing and getting something else, whether it was those players who knew little or nothing about the game and simply didn’t “get it,” or the players who cursed it for not playing like every other game, or even the SD game vets that more or less just wanted an updated W:ET or QW and then cried foul when Brink didn’t deliver. Regardless the reasons, I think Brink caught way, wayyyy more flak than it should have. It’s almost like some people had a personal vendetta against the game - like it bitch slapped their mom or something. Even some of the more innovative things Brink did, or features it had that tried to set it apart from other shooters and make Brink it’s own game, were ridiculed and criticized by many. It seems that lots of people simply did not want to give props to Brink, whatsoever - Like the Wizard in the ‘Wizard of OZ said’ - “Not no way, not no how!”
The bottom line comes down to what you look for in a game. Yes, Brink had its problems, but so do all games. The thing that matters is whether those problems interfere with you enjoying the game. Take ETQW - many people on here find it be a far superior game compared to Brink, and the very well could be right, depending on what your criteria is for “superior game.” On the same note, many of these same people are from a competitive background, who (for lack of better words) are some of the nitpickiest bunch of gamers you will find. Now I’m not stating this to be be insulting or be combative, it’s simply how it is.
Yes, QW does do a lot of things better than Brink, but this is a video game, and fun (at least to me) is the the most important factor, and even with all its flaws and “inferiority” to QW, I still have more fun playing Brink. That being said, My 2 favorite team-based shooters of all time are RTCW and W:ET. I’d even say that after playing RTCW and W:ET, ETQW was a bigger disappointment to me than Brink was.
But to be fair, W:ET has had heavy mod support, and there are hundreds if not thousands of different maps on servers now, not to mention complete gameplay changing mods and even total conversions. W:ET is also a free game - How popular do you think it would be if 1) it cost money and 2) it never had mod support?
At the time, W:ET was pegged as an expansion for RtCW which was very popular at the time. Had the SP portion panned out and brought us a full proper expansion pack, then I think W:ET would have been just as popular as we’ve seen in the past. I can understand what you’re saying about ‘expectations’ etc, but I played Brink for 50hrs and gave it a severe benefit of the doubt… it didn’t hold my attention and flooded me with needless info that drove me away.
I didn’t play ET for it’s mods, I played ET for its tried and tested game formula. Brink brought some new elements to the fray, but ultimately was left short changed in their implementation, I was constantly looking at the timer thinking ‘oh ffs, there’s still that amount of time left?’ when on each RtCW and ET outing I was thinking ‘omg there’s only that amount of time left!’.
I hate using the term, I really do, but Brink felt ‘dumbed down’ and catred to the ‘lack of patience gamer’. A flooded HUD of info, pop ups explaining every action, every scenario, every objective, every possible usage of my char. Exploration and venture were pushed to the sidelines and mollycoddling was the preference. I grew bored because nothing was exciting… add to that the randomess of the spread and it feels like I wasn’t even playing the game.
Art direction was awesome, and I wish we had proper demo tools to take advantage of that from a machinima POV, but alas that was another thing gimped in the process.
But to be fair, W:ET has had heavy mod support, and there are hundreds if not thousands of different maps on servers now, not to mention complete gameplay changing mods and even total conversions. W:ET is also a free game - How popular do you think it would be if 1) it cost money and 2) it never had mod support?[/QUOTE]
I think W:ET would be completely dead if the community didn’t fix the game.
Anyway, Brink got a lot of hate by me because I was looking forward to this game for about 2 years. When the first reviews came online I thought like omg 5/10, that must be some COD player who doesn’t know how splashdamage games work.
Two days later I could finally play Brink and than I got dissapointed.
I thought that splashdamage would have actually learned something from the release of W:ET and ET:QW. But imo this game was even in a worse condition than ET and ET:QW were at the release. I had **** performance on a high end system, I didn’t have working sounds, I had random crashes every 5/10 min ( which I still have ).
One of my first maps was container city. We were stuck in our spawn and couldn’t get out. I got really annoyed so I started to revive all my teammates. At the end of the map I didn’t kill a single person but I had the most XP and was the best overall player because I pressed F all the time. That’s when I thought what a lame game. By that time I have to admit that I already gave up on the game, so I only saw the things that were wrong. Like the terrible map design, limited freedom of movement when repairing/disarming/capturing/hacking, inaccurate weapons, the F key that locks on players, the HUD that was a mess, the annoying sound from the enemy team has captured the command post, SMART making me climb things which I didn’t want, being unhittable when standing behind a railing and a lot of other things which I already forgot.
I decided to stop playing Brink untill splashdamage made the game somehow playable/joyable. The patches and the way the community got informed made me only more dissapointed, especially when they annouced that the first DLC would be free for everybody…
I gave Brink another try at the first free weekend, but I didn’t like it. Apart from the graphics, W:ET is better in every aspect, so I don’t know why I should be playing Brink when I have more fun playing W:ET.
Still think the game received too much hate. It was by-far the most fun game I played in 2011, and one of my favorites to come out on the xbox. Seems like Battlefield gets a lot of love compared to brink but I think the addition of vehicles is the main thing that sets it apart from brink. You can get trapped in spawn and spawn camped on BF3 and if one team is far superior or used to playing with each other, they just wreck the other team in a compete slaughter. I use BF3 as an example because there are weapon problems and balancing issues galore in that game as well. That’s why I feel that Brink got way too much hate. It is such a unique game. It got flamed.
Players dont have a problem of being spawn camped in Brink. Their problem is that spawn camping isnt the result of skill differential. Big difference.
You keep making excuses for Brink getting a poor reception rather than accepting that there were fundamental reasons for it, it’s not the fault of other games.
Really I don’t think people should be pointing at the games for whats good or bad. SD in general is ****ing terrible. No customer support – they don’t care. After a million e-mails, posts and posts of trying to get their attention, they’ve seem to ignore everything I’ve sent to them regarding bugs and need for fixes. Worthless team is worthless.
Yes. Because SD are personally accountable to you and should drop everything to personally respond to your emails in spite of the millions they probably get. Also: you really think you’re the first person to log whatever bug it is you’ve found? Do you realise how many times the same bug gets reported to them? And you want them to keep you personally updated because you’re somehow more special?
You do realise that they collect all the bug reports from all the sources together but don’t actually respond to any of them because then all they’d be doing is responding, leaving no time for fixing. That’s pretty much how it works with almost any AAA game. Very few developers will talk about bugs unless it’s an announcement about current patches. This is partly because they can’t talk to everyone, partly because this sort of thing needs investigation before they can even make a comment, and partly because they need to make sure they don’t make stupid a mistaken statement that will be held against them by frothing gamers forevermore.
SD are normally pretty chatty with their fans but they’re not the ones responsible for the money required to produce patches and bugfixes. You need to be talking to Bethesda about that. I bet you’ve been emailing the wrong people this entire time. Good luck getting Bethesda to care about you though.
Just by the by re: track record. If I remember correctly SD paid for the last ET:QW patch out of their own pocket and continued working on it after the publisher had stopped supporting it. They’d probably do that again if Brink had the fanbase and if Bethesda (who probably own the IP) would let them.
It’s not that they don’t care. It’s that you don’t understand what’s actually happening.
Just by the by re: track record. If I remember correctly SD paid for the last ET:QW patch out of their own pocket and continued working on it after the publisher had stopped supporting it. They’d probably do that again if Brink had the fanbase and if Bethesda (who probably own the IP) would let them.
etqw release - Sep 07
etqw 1.2 - 31 Oct 07
etqw 1.4 - 16 Jan 08
etqw 1.5 - 21 May 08
1.5 fixed 4 or 5 massive exploits that basically would have killed the game off, had they opted not to.
This is one of them -
But yes unlike Brink, etqw also had a massive playerbase, 8 months after release. Heck even 1 year after 1.5 was even released.