[QUOTE=.Chris.;404176]I’m bored at work and I’m in grumpy mode so stand back:
The past couple of pages only escalated the way it has because of:
And RT1’s response to this which in tern I poked fun at, that’s not trolling for the record.
No **** sherlock, same goes other way though, RT1 doesn’t seem to grasp this and anyone who doesn’t like Brink either is a hater/troller or sucks at the game…
Zenstar, the voice of reason has pretty much said what my own thoughts on the matter are, I’ll quote him as I’m sure you haven’t gone back a page:
Splash Damage made ET:QW and W:ET before Brink, SD themselves said Brink was a successor to ET. This is were some of the differences in views arise, Brink for you is what ET was to me, something new and exciting, however it’s the 4th game of it’s type I’ve played (counting Wolf 09), the previous 2 SD games just did it better (I best put ‘imo’ before someone moans) imo. For others it’s the 5th game, as they played RTCW before W:ET. Each iteration has tried something new with vary degrees of success and failure.[/QUOTE]
I still think ultimately, it was inevitable that to iron-out the game and make it even better, a Brink 2 would have been the goal; in order to take all of the feedback, successes and failures, and attempt to improve upon it. Because of many factors, I realize that this may not ever happen, but, because of the industry as a whole and the challenges releasing anything new (and SD had never released a game on 3 platforms before, that was a completely new challenge regardless of how many iterations this game represented, it still was going to be about breaking new ground). Brink did enough right to be fun for me personally and some of the many gamers I met playing it who continued despite some of the problems, patches, and lack of expansion/dlc. In the end, there were haters, and they jumped on the game in a extreme fashion that was skewed towards anything negative. If you go back on the history, that was gonna happen because of COD and its dominance over the game industry.
Brink had an engaging backstory and a context to the struggle which could be expanded on. Haters gonna hate, but the game was not as bad as the amount of hate it received. Its as simple as that. Now, a lot of the motion context games like Kinnect and Move or Zynga titles, now they definitely deserve any amount of hate thrown their way! My two cents.