Who do you believe will get the new obsidian card?

(Boory Marks) #1

So far, we got information in the latest ask the devs video that the newest obsidian coming will be female. I’m hoping for Nader or Sparps obviously.

(Your worst knifemare.) #2

Of course I want it to be Sparps though Kira and Guardian would make me happy also.

! 90% sure it’s Proxy.

(Sorotia) #3

@Lord_Coctus said:
Of course I want it to be Sparps though Kira and Guardian would make me happy also.

! 90% sure it’s Proxy.

Oh god no…it better not be…she already has so many damn special cards…she should literally be the last person in game to get a (another) obsidian.

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #4

A rhino who identifies as female

(CryonicArrow) #5

I would love to have a Nader Obsidian card.

(Nail) #6

blonde Proxy

(Press E) #7

I still want that nader soaked in blood that we had in some event banner once.
What would be even better if the obsidian edited ability weapons. Imagine a different looking reviver or grenade launcher, I’d buy the shit out of that

Also we still need a proper aura obsidian. The one we have now is basically the equivalent of the old phoenix obsidian, and they still gave him an elite operative skin, so there’s no ruling out Aura.

(PorkyPerson) #8

Cross your fingers that it looks good(unlike Phoenix) and isn’t a bad loadout(unlike Fletcher and Arty).

(ThePigVomit) #9

@PorkyPerson said:
Cross your fingers that it looks good(unlike Phoenix) and isn’t a bad loadout(unlike Fletcher and Arty).

Watch the dev vid, it’s gonna be a girl. My money is on Kira.

(AlbinMatt) #10

Huh, you’re still alive eh, Boers.

By this point, they have almost killed the subtlety in those skins (well, not that DB was amde to be subtle anyways), so I am still waiting for Nader to cosplay Angela Merkel.

Or Aimee in an elaborately woven dress made human skin.


Please be Nader.

(PorkyPerson) #12

@ThePigVomit said:

@PorkyPerson said:
Cross your fingers that it looks good(unlike Phoenix) and isn’t a bad loadout(unlike Fletcher and Arty).

Watch the dev vid, it’s gonna be a girl. My money is on Kira.

I’m just saying I thought the Phoenix card didn’t look good and the Fletcher and Arty cards were crappy loadouts.

I like the Stoker all around.


Hmm…I’m rooting for Kira but it could be anyone to be fair, though I doubt it will be Proxy. :wink:

(Chilled Sanity) #14

If its a nader or Javelin obsidian I will kill.

If its a proxy obsidian though…Fuck me I will make Ft. Hood look like a fucking joke next time I go to the range

(Teflon Love) #15

I don’t really care which I just hope it’s not an RNG loadout but a couple to pick from (like Phantom) or the most popular one (like Aura). Or even better, let us choose the loadout by ourself.

(TheStrangerous) #16

Limited time obsidians in Nutshell:
AT 13:40

(Artyrim) #17

I hope is Proxy even though there are many haters here
I’m fine with Kira and Nader as well but no Sparks or Aimee -_-

(Sorotia) #18

@Artyrim said:
I hope is Proxy even though there are many haters here
I’m fine with Kira and Nader as well but no Sparks or Aimee -_-

Haters…you say that like it’s random hate…she already has so many bloody special editions it isn’t even funny.

She is literally one of the last characters who should get a obsidian. She literally is the character with the most different obsidians in game.

(Artyrim) #19

@Sorotia said:

@Artyrim said:
I hope is Proxy even though there are many haters here
I’m fine with Kira and Nader as well but no Sparks or Aimee -_-

Haters…you say that like it’s random hate…she already has so many bloody special editions it isn’t even funny.

She is literally one of the last characters who should get a obsidian. She literally is the character with the most different obsidians in game.

The point is: I’M WITHOUT ANY OBSIDIAN PROXY . So for this reason I hope to get it xD,the redhead Proxy looks great

(FalC_16) #20

@Artyrim said:

@Sorotia said:

@Artyrim said:
I hope is Proxy even though there are many haters here
I’m fine with Kira and Nader as well but no Sparks or Aimee -_-

Haters…you say that like it’s random hate…she already has so many bloody special editions it isn’t even funny.

She is literally one of the last characters who should get a obsidian. She literally is the character with the most different obsidians in game.

The point is: I’M WITHOUT ANY OBSIDIAN PROXY . So for this reason I hope to get it xD,the redhead Proxy looks great

For this reason i hope there will be a re-roll your obsidian or SE weekend. Hell even if its for real cash. I got this proxy but completely trash loadout