I would like to play this even that almost nobody playing it.
Why this game is not on steam anymore?
Where I can buy it online? I want to buy a key and download the client. Is it possible? Will be there re-release? or something?
Help, please.
I would like to play this even that almost nobody playing it.
Why this game is not on steam anymore?
Where I can buy it online? I want to buy a key and download the client. Is it possible? Will be there re-release? or something?
Help, please.
Have a look here: http://www.amazon.com/Enemy-Territory-Quake-Wars-PC/dp/B000BKYQVI/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1380042219&sr=8-3&keywords=ETQW
Prefer digital or key. But nice price @ amazon
Found this:
But where can I download it?
That’s sucks hehe.
I think there is no ETQW in shops in my country anymore heh.
Maybe will try through amazon…
Amazon might be the best solution as I wouldn’t trust those key stores out there. Probably they will sell you a random public key and then good luck! You also get a super cool manual which no one reads (except me).
First I will try to find it in real stores ;]
btw. I downloaded the demo. And I hyped a bit. Because I really like id tech engine. I really don’t understand why there is max 2 servers full of people. This game seems to not be so bad. It looks better than BF2 (and even better than some new games), setting is interesting, I think game with potential. What happened?
6 years old game.
Best game ever!
Of course it does! And Stroggs always give an interesting setting. :stroggflag:
You are just 6 years too late.
Not really. Yo can still play: CoD4 (2007), TF2 (2007), BF2 (2005) and there is quite a lot of people. TF2 is even the most popular fps right now. That’s why I’m asking. What happened. Such a waste. Just sit and improve and all splash damage games could be great forever -.-
Also liked Brink, now nobody playing it, poor performance, consoles influance. But core of the game was quite good.
ET classic has far more players.
Also I’m still playing Quake Live.
The fact that games who are old as Quake Wars (or older) are more popular than Quake Wars doesn’t help. the game is old and about to end, i’m predicting this year.
It’s died every year. Technically playing it now is would be classed as illegal (ya know, since it’s dead ad infinitum)
Ughhh, remove that signature now pls. “Coming soon” over a strogg skull. WTF pervert?
admins ruined it
dont think you can find a server with the original config:
and many others created a new mod because they were too pro for vanilla (rofl)