What's with this recent obsession with green and yellow skins?

(HammerOfDawn21) #1

S3 skins - yellow
Turtle Obsidian - green
Javelin SE - green
CW skins - yellow
Phoenix Obsidian - green and yellow

I have nothing against those colors, but Just why? Those colors sure make the skins look different but they don’t make them look special when compared to say blue, red, white, black or any other color in the rainbow for that matter.


I’m not a fan of anything that’s flashy and bright like that either, including cobalt on most mercs. I like rugged looking, militarized or actual mercenary themed. Not sure how else to describe it. Badass and practical. Founder’s Skyhammer and Sawbones are amazing, I love Javelin’s viking-esque combat suit she’s got goin’ on even though I prefer her blonde hair, Stoker’s undead obsidian is awesome, I like that old (Humble Bundle I think?) Bushwhacker I can’t remember atm, and some of the recent Final Assault skins looked great despite that hint of yellow on them. This is why I prefer swiss and bronze on just about everything as well. Occasionally I’ll like crown and urban depending on the merc too.

Also, really want them to give us the option to run default/lead/iron skins. This has been suggested for as long as I can remember. You’re a competitive game, right, Dirty Bomb? Disabling skins should be a no-brainer.

(Press E) #3

DB’s theme is yellow and white. It makes sense that there would be a lot of yellow skins. As for green, it’s a colour that’s always associated with the military. Combine yellow cartoony plastic with the standard green military style, and you get the turtle and phoenix obsidians. However, this is most noticeable in containment war skins, which are literally based on textures from the CDA’s containment shield.

Personally, I hate the combination of green and yellow. The turtle obsidian was hideous to me, and I’m almost considering not buying the phoenix card just because of the gun skin.

It’s worth noting that only so many colours can actually work for skins though, yellow just happens to work very well. But it’s not the only colour recently. the phantom obsidian was black and orange, twitch skins are purple, hexagon skins are light blue, etc.

(K1X455) #4

I don’t like the yellow bits, but…

(GatoCommodore) #5

im gonna skip out this one because ugly af

(MarsRover) #6

@HammerOfDawn21 said:
S3 skins - yellow
Turtle Obsidian - green
Javelin SE - green
CW skins - yellow
Phoenix Obsidian - green and yellow

The difference between Phoenix and the previous ones is that they look nice, but Phoenix is ugly AF.

(TheStrangerous) #7

Somebody’s been obsessed with Shrek and Bee movie lately…

(Jostabeere) #8

Green and yellow cn yield great combos. But the Obsidian Phoenix definitely isn’t one of them. Especially the gun.
Different colours work great on different materials. Randomly slapping green or yellor on random gun parts is not a good idea and has poor aesthetics.

(boerhae) #9

DB’s theme is yellow and white. It makes sense that there would be a lot of yellow skins. As for green, it’s a colour that’s always associated with the military. Combine yellow cartoony plastic with the standard green military style, and you get the turtle and phoenix obsidians. However, this is most noticeable in containment war skins, which are literally based on textures from the CDA’s containment shield.

Personally, I hate the combination of green and yellow. The turtle obsidian was hideous to me, and I’m almost considering not buying the phoenix card just because of the gun skin.

It’s worth noting that only so many colours can actually work for skins though, yellow just happens to work very well. But it’s not the only colour recently. the phantom obsidian was black and orange, twitch skins are purple, hexagon skins are light blue, etc.

I’m waiting for a white and black skin. That would be cool.

(Sorotia) #10

Green is my favorite color but I’m not a huge fan of the combos they’re choosing…honestly I’d love a nice dark forest green…but then I’m sure people will compare it to bronze and complain, so I’m sure they avoid doing that.

The CW skins were always yellow so it’s not like they went out of their way for that.

Javelin’s skin is kinda all over the place so I don’t know if I’d count that as pure green.

The new twitch skin they released recently is purple…so they are doing other colors but I guess they could use some more variety.

(Teflon Love) #11

@Sorotia said:
The new twitch skin they released recently is purple…so they are doing other colors but I guess they could use some more variety.

The purple is a step in the right direction but why not go all the way and do pink skins? Combined with a “Hello Coaly” trinket I’m sure it would be all the rage.

(Your worst knifemare.) #12

You forgot Dickens skins.

(GatoCommodore) #13

@Lord_Coctus said:
You forgot Dickens skins.

dickens is good tho, those sweater is pretty awesome

(Eox) #14

Should I expect S4 ranked loadouts to be green ?

(HammerOfDawn21) #15

@Eox said:
Should I expect S4 ranked loadouts to be green ?

They’ve agreed to rework the green Phoenix skin after listening to feedback, so this time around they may steer away from green for S4.

(Guziol) #16

Anything that is not blue is fine. I’m not happy with the fact that sometimes ( very rarely but often enough to bother me ) i think an enemy i’m looking at is my teammate because he has cobalt skin. Mostly happens with small, fast mercs like kira.

(MarsRover) #17

@HammerOfDawn21 said:

@Eox said:
Should I expect S4 ranked loadouts to be green ?

They’ve agreed to rework the green Phoenix skin after listening to feedback, so this time around they may steer away from green for S4.

I was curious where was it confirmed, of course it was reddit:

We showed off the Phoenix Obsidian skin yesterday - but many of you felt that it didn’t fit the Obsidian Operative aesthetic. We heard you, and the team have been focusing on reworking the design based on your feedback from Reddit and YouTube to bring it in line with the other Obsidian Operatives.

Good news, but that bold part really drove the point that maybe this forum should be closed and everyone should just move to reddit… :neutral:


@MarsRover said:

@HammerOfDawn21 said:

@Eox said:
Should I expect S4 ranked loadouts to be green ?

They’ve agreed to rework the green Phoenix skin after listening to feedback, so this time around they may steer away from green for S4.

I was curious where was it confirmed, of course it was reddit:

We showed off the Phoenix Obsidian skin yesterday - but many of you felt that it didn’t fit the Obsidian Operative aesthetic. We heard you, and the team have been focusing on reworking the design based on your feedback from Reddit and YouTube to bring it in line with the other Obsidian Operatives.

Good news, but that bold part really drove the point that maybe this forum should be closed and everyone should just move to reddit… :neutral:

I’ve never touched Reddit before and I like this place so far. Are we the red-headed stepchild in terms of priority? Rip. Would seem pretty odd if they pay more attention to Reddit and YouTube than their official boards.

(Eox) #19

@Wintergreen said:

@MarsRover said:

@HammerOfDawn21 said:

@Eox said:
Should I expect S4 ranked loadouts to be green ?

They’ve agreed to rework the green Phoenix skin after listening to feedback, so this time around they may steer away from green for S4.

I was curious where was it confirmed, of course it was reddit:

We showed off the Phoenix Obsidian skin yesterday - but many of you felt that it didn’t fit the Obsidian Operative aesthetic. We heard you, and the team have been focusing on reworking the design based on your feedback from Reddit and YouTube to bring it in line with the other Obsidian Operatives.

Good news, but that bold part really drove the point that maybe this forum should be closed and everyone should just move to reddit… :neutral:

I’ve never touched Reddit before and I like this place so far. Are we the red-headed stepchild in terms of priority? Rip. Would seem pretty odd if they pay more attention to Reddit and YouTube than their official boards.

We recieve the news like Reddit, but I have to admit that the devs haven’t posted a message other than community news for a rather long time lately. They are incredibly busy working on new updates and assissting to conventions. They just never stop. I also suspect Reddit gets a few more post either because more Devs are redditors or because it’s more active, but they don’t really ignore the forums.

I heard we might get more dedicated community managers soon, because Shoe has trouble to keep up the pace (I hope I am not assuming stuff), but SD probably needs to recruit some more people first. Anyway, I doubt that Shoe only does community related stuff.

(znuund) #20

@Wintergreen said:
I’ve never touched Reddit before and I like this place so far. Are we the red-headed stepchild in terms of priority? Rip. Would seem pretty odd if they pay more attention to Reddit and YouTube than their official boards.

Needless to say that funneling down discussions to one platform would increase their quality…