What We're Playing: The Games of Summer. Ish.

(badman) #1

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The great British summer seems to be coming and going as it pleases, which kind of works out as rain is a great excuse for staying in and playing video games. And so we come to an all-new instalment of What We’re Playing, where we take a quick look at the games eating up the spare time of the Splash Damage boys and girls.
We’ve actually got two new faces in this edition, with Lead FX Artist Niel Venter and Character Artist Vincent ‘vahl’ Joyau joining us with their game-thoughts. Incidentally, Niel seems to be lacking a nickname at the moment, so if you’ve got any work-safe suggestions, please leave them in the comments (along with what you’ve been playing recently, of course!)
And begin:

(BomBaKlaK) #2

Do you still play on BRINK ?

(Scrupus) #3

I guess they do, but can be boring playing Brink defense all day you know :wink:

Thanks for the review badman, it’s interesting to see what games the different people like :slight_smile:

I play WoT a bit myself, haven’t seen Salteh on the battlefield yet but will surely start hunting now. It’s a pretty polished game, even if the gameplay doesn’t fit for all - but I really like how they found a nice model for free vs gold play, and the technical implementation is really solid. Nice to have a garage stuffed with different tanks, ready for a quick match from time to time.

For Niel it’s a bit hard to suggest a nickname that could fit, since badman forgot to update his company people page yet :rolleyes:

But from what he wrote I would suggest gumblast - since he’s a FX designer who really wanted to be a “gum shoe detective” :tongue:

(Salteh) #4

I haven’t played wot for a while, but should be back next week!
(on the EU server, username Salteh :))

Ed( Stern/bongoboy) plays the game too, btw!

(gooey79) #5

Glad to hear you enjoyed Dungeon Siege III, Badman. It got a little beat up in the reviews but I picked it up recently and have just started to play - looking promising (PS3). After that, I’ll be giving Sacred 2: Fallen Angel a go. Crossing my fingers as it seems a little like Marmite judging by people’s comments.

(badman) #6

I like it :smiley:

Sir goo, if you’ve got someone to play coop with, either locally or online, I highly recommend that. It’s all kinds of fun. :slight_smile:

(badman) #7

This terrible injustice has now been rectified: http://www.splashdamage.com/content/niel-venter

(yuval152) #8

@Splash Damage Mascot which name im too lazy to copy and paste

Conviction let me down,Chaos theory was alot more fun,you could distract guards,it had multiplayer,there was alot more stealth,and cool weapons,and in coop you need to use alot more teamwork. and in conviction most of the time it was mindless killing(but stealth did have a big part)

(stealth6) #9

From Dust isn’t that amazing, reminded me of populous the beginning, so every time I play it I get nostalgic feelings. :smiley:
Terraria is awesome I spent 40 hours playing that game the first week I had it :smiley: great fun! It’s way better than minecraft imo at first I thought it was some kind of rip off, but it has many unique features and now I kind of wish minecraft was more like Terraria :smiley:
Also tried WoT, a friend talked me into it, it’s a nice casual game not very stressful and quite enjoyable. Unfortunately it seems to get less enjoyable the more you rank up, when you get into higher tier battles your tank gets shot down before you even get a glimpse of the enemy. (Then again sometimes my patience runs low and I just try to rush it too much :D)
Since I’m a sucker for steam deals I picked up section 8 with 3 of my friends (3,30 euros each with all the DLC!(4-pack deal)) Haven’t gotten around to playing it much though.
Surprised nobody mentioned the humble bundle, I got those games too and they’re quite enjoyable.

As for a name throwing Niel Venter through an anagram website came up with le Inventer or El Inventer :smiley: also things about evil, nerves and French beds.