As he is, he has a few problems. Spammy as hell with no real penalties in cooldown or ammo, ability to insta-kill 80 KP mercs, essentially having 2 secondary weapons when other snipers are forced to pick a pistol or MP, etc.
He’s not that bad, but he needs some tweaks to bring him in line with the other snipers. I’m surprised the devs haven’t even touched him yet, but that’s likely because he isn’t picked very much.
All and all though, my biggest question is just “why?”
I mean, we already have 3 other snipers, a class that is inherently very limited in their playstyles and how varied they can be from one another. Adding in hunter hasn’t filled in any voids that were missing from the base game, he’s really just another sniper with a lower skill ceiling due to his spammy nature.
It’s probably not hard to tell, but I don’t like snipers in DB, and I don’t believe they add anything enjoyable to the game. But I was actually excited for Hunter, because I figured SD wouldn’t do the same thing they did with aimee and add in another redundant vassili with slight variations. I was hoping hunter would fit better in DB’s fast paced setting. Lower damage auto-crossbow, elemental effects perhaps, etc. I just don’t see why SD decided to add in a 4th classic sniper, do very little in terms of setting him apart in gameplay besides a crossbow to pull in the bow fetishists, and the make it so a lot of the restrictions that help limit other snipers don’t apply to him.
TL;DR, he’s a bit OP compared to the other snipers, but I just don’t feel DB needed a 4th sniper, especially one that really isn’t that different gameplay wise. Would have much preferred another engi or even assault, because hunter doesn’t fill any roles that were missing from DB before hand.