Starcraft is huge not because of the decals and portraits, Brink (and other SD games) are not huge and the inclusion of decals and portraits just leads to attracting players who only want those not the game. Slightly off my original point but isn’t Starcraft also a more PvP style game, where there is less/no impact on teams regarding your motivations to play.
And toss individual recognition completely out of the window. People need that carrot. ET relies on egos being driven to cooperate with each other. There’s a parallel competition with the other team, but there’s a vertical competition amongst team-members to be the best of their team. This is a GOOD thing, the more you reward a player with status and vanity, the more he’ll work his ass off to be a good member of the team.
It’s just so elegant. Team-players play cooperatively for the sake of team-work and egotistical soloists do the EXACT SAME THING because the game rewards them for it.
I say, go even further in that and put the top three players of each team on an even bigger pedestal, with more influence and more allure. People get hooked in this rat-race and will work even harder to get into that top 3.
There’s two things here.
- A system for distribution of upgrades/abilities/powerups
and - A system to reward players
For the first one I’d suggest a L4D style system that works on a team level rather than individual. Whether that is based on a known XP target or some fancy AI analysis of both teams is largely irrelevant. This says the better your team does, the better you do so communicate more, help your team, teach new players. After all, you’re either on the winning or losing team, wins and loses aren’t divided up amongst individual players.
For the second one, as I’ve said before, if you want to reward individuals then let the team do it at the end of the match. If you want, you can assist such a choice with stats but ultimately how you interact with your team will impact your final standing. A simplistic example would be someone who is getting lots of kills but at the expense of bleeding his own team mates health or limiting their strategic options, a traditional system may rank him highly (Top Kills, Top Assist), the team however may feel they were hindered by this person and instead choose the guy who did one lucky run at the objective to win the match at the last second (Bottom Kills, 1 Objective).
As for the carrot. Maybe if more emphasis and kudos was placed on enjoying the game, participating in spectated matches, gaining the respect of other players and any other real world carrots then there would be less need to hide behind the easy option of awarding virtual BS. Again this is something SD should really invest it, the out of game experience.