What needs to happen in Brink 2

(Glyph) #41

Personally I think that Brink 2 needs linear or sequenced objectives for the campaign mode (co-op or adverserial) and dynamic objectives for the multiplayer. What I mean by dynnamic is that the objectives should change from one game to the next. A map would always begin with a neutral objective and then continue differently depending on which team was successful. The next objective would place a team on offense and the other on defense or force them into an opposing objective such as an escort mission. Upon the result of this objective the game would again change to a new neutral one or even switch sides where the escort is now under the control of the previous defending team. In this manner playing the same maps would be new and challenging and reward the team that was able to adapt, instead of the team that could repeat the same plan every match. Brink was not a bad game but it certainly was not an evolution of the genre as it felt more like a step backward than a leap forward.

(Super-Sheepy) #42

I agree with the ‘dynamic objectives’ as it would keep the game somewhat fresh but what i feel is we need fix brink 1 before making a brink 2 and i would feel less motivated if i see that people gave up on the first game and what came to mind was AvP (the game not **** movie) before crap sequels came out.

What we need is more maps and a way to turn off the videos at the end of each map as you can only watch it so many times before you get sick of it.

another is the variety of weapons and abilities as i liked but when i feel was missing was getting to put skins on the guns or a bit of personal touch to it, and the abilities are good but as a full on spy myself when you level to max you have points you don’t want to spend on any other class and realize you feel there needs to be more levels and abilities.

I feel we don’t need a new brink just expand on this one and not to the small extent of the DLCs that came out on steam and 8 euro on 2 new maps and skins would keep people playing and the way games such as counter strike, MW2/3 and BF games have kept going is because they make the game more mod-able so new maps by random players give more interesting games such as more park our areas ( that were promoted but vary little to show in this game) or variations to games as when playing tows games you don’t feel like your playing the same match over and over doing the same objectives and sometimes feel the running speed isn’t all that fast anymore and all i can do is jump the same ledge 500000 times and the box 300000 times and well hack the same box 312,974 times but hay who’s counting? :stuck_out_tongue:

And for my last issue. Of cores there is this issue with increasing numbers of people to create clans but i found the problem with trying to do this is that there have been many issues with creating, adding, and accepting invites to the game and well find its is a community but no real place for us all to start communicating and gathering com pleat strangers for a game as with steam itself you can just find friends or friends of friends playing the game and just join or ask and of cores that’s the point of steam itself but if it were also on the brink main sight people can find full on brink players rather then someone who played a demo and its just shown on there account.

(wolfnemesis75) #43

Brink 1 just needs continued support and expanding. More maps. 20 maps would’ve been ideal. Other games get more content. Oh well.

(LightningV) #44

Coming from a very dedicated/ loyal player of BRINK (300+ hours) and championship winner of the ‘BRINK Holiday Event Tournament’ NwO: New World Order for PS3, here are some things I think should be addressed in either making a new BRINK or a game similar to it.

1.) Keep the character Customization and try to add female characters, at least light and medium (keeps bringing new/ old players coming back with new build idea’s)
2.) Keep classes and highlight on them. EXAMPLES-(More weapons idea’s Operative or Medic: Poison dart gun, nerve gas, tranquilizer sniper takes 2-3 hits for enemy to sleep. Soldier: Smoke grenades & Engineer: Bomb defusal bot.
3.) Keep objectives but expand them even more.(Objectives were fun, but need more to make everyone feel included.)
5.) Keep weapon customization but expand it even more. (Etch in clan tags on guns or Clothing, gun colors, stickers, etc…)
6.) Keep SMART but heavily tweak it, make it as fluid as Mirror’s Edge where the player can see their legs running on walls, hands climbing up, rolling, and flips possibly. (One of the best parts of this game, IMO.)

1.) Maps looked great but needed to be bigger (12v12 or 16v16) and accessible to EVERY CLASS.
2.) No BETA, this should’ve been given out since the beginning.
3.) A forge mode for consoles and PC like the HALO series, not too big, but something along the size of the training room. (Keeps interest in building possible missions & expanding SMART)
4.) The Objective wheel: needs to be fixed. Please no more Chen and Mokoena unless in cutscenes or loading area, their voices got REALLY annoying. Add a regular soldiers voice that takes orders from the big guys and gets to the point about what needs to be done. NO MONOLOGUE, please and thank you.
5.) Clan support needs to be there from the VERY START but even more expanded.
6.) Add more objectives. (But in a variety for every class) Examples: Operative must assassinate or interrogate main player on opposing team, Soldier must pick up ammo crates to set up on turrets for incoming waves (no weapons available whilst carrying items and slowing them down), Engineer must build new routes accessible in combat or fix vehicle for evacuation, Medic must either pick up (both hands, slowing them down) fellow teammates/objective and bring them to safety to operate. (Quick time event pop’s up)
7.) No Brower list or Game List of current matches for both Console and PC.

(wolfnemesis75) #45

[QUOTE=LightningV;394997]Coming from a very dedicated/ loyal player of BRINK (300+ hours) and championship winner of the ‘BRINK Holiday Event Tournament’ NwO: New World Order for PS3, here are some things I think should be addressed in either making a new BRINK or a game similar to it.

1.) Keep the character Customization and try to add female characters, at least light and medium (keeps bringing new/ old players coming back with new build idea’s)
2.) Keep classes and highlight on them. EXAMPLES-(More weapons idea’s Operative or Medic: Poison dart gun, nerve gas, tranquilizer sniper takes 2-3 hits for enemy to sleep. Soldier: Smoke grenades & Engineer: Bomb defusal bot.
3.) Keep objectives but expand them even more.(Objectives were fun, but need more to make everyone feel included.)
5.) Keep weapon customization but expand it even more. (Etch in clan tags on guns or Clothing, gun colors, stickers, etc…)
6.) Keep SMART but heavily tweak it, make it as fluid as Mirror’s Edge where the player can see their legs running on walls, hands climbing up, rolling, and flips possibly. (One of the best parts of this game, IMO.)

1.) Maps looked great but needed to be bigger (12v12 or 16v16) and accessible to EVERY CLASS.
2.) No BETA, this should’ve been given out since the beginning.
3.) A forge mode for consoles and PC like the HALO series, not too big, but something along the size of the training room. (Keeps interest in building possible missions & expanding SMART)
4.) The Objective wheel: needs to be fixed. Please no more Chen and Mokoena unless in cutscenes or loading area, their voices got REALLY annoying. Add a regular soldiers voice that takes orders from the big guys and gets to the point about what needs to be done. NO MONOLOGUE, please and thank you.
5.) Clan support needs to be there from the VERY START but even more expanded.
6.) Add more objectives. (But in a variety for every class) Examples: Operative must assassinate or interrogate main player on opposing team, Soldier must pick up ammo crates to set up on turrets for incoming waves (no weapons available whilst carrying items and slowing them down), Engineer must build new routes accessible in combat or fix vehicle for evacuation, Medic must either pick up (both hands, slowing them down) fellow teammates/objective and bring them to safety to operate. (Quick time event pop’s up)
7.) No Brower list or Game List of current matches for both Console and PC.[/QUOTE]
Good stuff. Really. Hopefully a Brink 2 is possible. Who knows?

(Ruben0s) #46

I can’t imagine that beth will support a brink 2 as they already dropped the support for brink after a couple of months. And if I am right the IP belongs to beth.

(Humate) #47

As someone that has played competitively 5 seasons, with a 100 - 4 win/loss record… with more than 55 aliases in ETQW, 2000+ hours played combined with ET/ETQW and Brink, here are some things I think need to be addressed in Brink 2.

  1. Change the damage model
  2. Remove anything that resembles health regen
  3. Remove Character Customisation
  4. Remove Gun Customisation
  5. Tie weapons to class
  6. Add Class Models
  7. All weapons and tools on a Weapon Bank
  8. Replace Buffing with Packs
  9. Remove Persistent Unlocks
  10. Remove Knockdowns
  11. Remove Smart and add Strafe Jumping
  12. Make Mines Visible
  13. Allow for proxy and tripmines
  14. Movement Speed tied to Weapon
  15. Do not wall off objectives
  16. Destroy objectives should be a 3D object
  17. HE charges should be plantable anywhere on the 3D object
  18. Instant Revives prompted via medic - no syringe throwing
  19. Remove Auto-spotting
  20. Remove Radar
  21. Audio should be gameplay focused, not immersion focused
  22. Make Turrets more powerful
  23. Turrets should only be outdoors
  24. Asymmetrically balanced teams
  25. 3 Map Campaigns with temp ability unlocks
  26. Remove bots in MP (lol)
  27. Redesign fireteam creation method
  28. Voip on by default with Global, Team, and Fireteam Channels :wink:
  29. Manual VSAYS
  30. Hitsounds with the ability to add custom headshot sounds (hi bombalak)
  31. Custom x hairs (hi bombalak)
  32. Remove weapon icons in kill log… replace that with the actual names of the weapons
  33. Highly Configurable CFGs
  34. Add walk function mechanic that silences your footsteps
  35. Each faction should have their own movement sounds
  36. Remove Wireless Hacking mechanic, and force operative to hack from the objective
  37. Allow team-mates to see the health / incapped / gibbed status of fireteam members on HUD
  38. Create a minimap with map data on it, instead of a transparent circle with red dots
  39. Allow the ability for players to colour their own name. <-yay customisation!
  40. Remove red depth of field blur in incapped state
  41. Remove red screen saturation on low health
  42. Add /kill
  43. Remove any trace of an Objective Wheel
  44. Become best friends with ATI so that the game runs on their cards
  45. EMP that slows HE-Charge times, should only ever exist if the game isnt defensively biased
  46. Design a proper awards section
  47. Remove Steam integration, add ingame friends-list functionality
  48. Create tutorials instead of dumbing down your gameplay
  49. Release a demo or demonstrate the game on pc with pc controls
  50. Hire Kevin Cloud

ps masive cough

(LightningV) #48
  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. No
  4. No
  5. No
  6. Ok
  7. Ok
  8. Ok
  9. Ok
  10. No
  11. No
  12. No
  13. Ok
  14. Yes
  15. Yes
  16. Yes
  17. Yes
  18. No
  19. Yes
  20. No
  21. Yes
  22. NO
  23. Yes
  24. Yes
  25. Ok
  26. No
  27. Yes
  28. Ok
  29. No
  30. No
  31. Yes
  32. Yes
  33. Yes
  34. No
  35. No
  36. Yes
  37. No
  38. Yes
  39. Yes
  40. Ok
  41. Ok
  42. Ok to an extent
  43. YES
  44. Ok
  45. Yes
  46. Yes
  47. Yes
  48. Yes
  49. Huh?

I pretty much agree with you but some of them need to be updated nice idea’s though.

(Verticae) #49

[QUOTE=LightningV;395167]1) Yes
50) Huh? [/QUOTE]

Protip: Use the quote function and explain why you agree/disagree with him. It makes things so much more understandable… And it actually starts a useful debate.

(LightningV) #50

Nah, Im good.

(Humate) #51
  1. Huh?


Before SD were SD they were a bunch of nerds working on a mod for Quake.
Their ambition and hard work got their foot in the id software door (the dudes that made quake), which aloud them to discuss their crazy ideas.
This was met with a - get back to basics type of response. They followed their advice and their hard work paid off again when they got to meet some dude called Kevin Cloud. Cut a long story short, he became their mentor which led to the creation of W:ET and ETQW.

In other words point 50) is a reminder to get back to basics
Remember that which got you there, and let that be the driving force for your next game.

(tokamak) #52

Guys you don’t get it. People loved Brink but they played it 24/7 and so they got tired of the maps. They only thing that Brink needed was more maps.

(Humate) #53

Theres a lot of stuff there, I dunno whether they could offer their reasons for every point.
Would be interesting to read though. I welcome it. :slight_smile:

(tangoliber) #54

[QUOTE=Humate;395149]As someone that has played competitively 5 seasons, with a 100 - 4 win/loss record… with more than 55 aliases in ETQW, 2000+ hours played combined with ET/ETQW and Brink, here are some things I think need to be addressed in Brink 2.

  1. Change the damage model If you mean to give players more health, then yes. If less health, than no thanks.
  2. Remove anything that resembles health regen Yes… medpacks all the way.
  3. Remove Character Customisation Yea, I sorta agree with that. Tired of looking at ugly Hulk Hogans. I miss the beautiful class designs of Killzone 2, even if everyone did look the same. Not a fan of TF2 class design though
  4. Remove Gun Customisation Yea, it doesn’t bother me too much, but I have no use for it.
  5. Tie weapons to class Yes! Tying together weapons and abilities are the best way to balance a class-based game…and to make each class feel unique
  6. Add Class Models Is this different from remove character customization?
  7. All weapons and tools on a Weapon Bank Don’t know what this means
  8. Replace Buffing with Packs Absolutely.
  9. Remove Persistent Unlocks Yes!
  10. Remove Knockdowns Sure
  11. Remove Smart and add Strafe Jumping I"m not too sure about this. Strafe jumping is for Quake, in my opinion. I like it, but it seems wrong to put it in other games. And I don’t think it fits the style of a game like Brink. Maybe work on the wall-jumping mechanic instead to make it more skill-based. Give wall jumping and vaulting more of a boost, and allow players to build up speed by chaining together jumps with good timing. The difference is that you are forced to use the geometry of the level to pinball yourself around. Mantling doesn’t add to the skill of the game, but it does make the levels more vertical and interesting…creating twice as many entrances and exits to an objective room
  12. Make Mines Visible I’m fine with that
  13. Allow for proxy and tripmines If they feel unique enough
  14. Movement Speed tied to Weapon No objection to this
  15. Do not wall off objectives Not sure what this means
  16. Destroy objectives should be a 3D object Yes
  17. HE charges should be plantable anywhere on the 3D object Yes
  18. Instant Revives prompted via medic - no syringe throwing I like the Killzone 2 medic gun the best. You aim and shoot a short range shock beam for an instant revive.
  19. Remove Auto-spotting No problem with this
  20. Remove Radar I’m someone who relies on the radar every second, but I can probably deal with this
  21. Audio should be gameplay focused, not immersion focused Yea
  22. Make Turrets more powerful I thought they were well-designed in Brink. Powerful, but only when placed well…which is the way it should be in my opinion
  23. Turrets should only be outdoors I don’t like weird rules like that…makes the flow of the game illogical
  24. Asymmetrically balanced teams Would be nice
  25. 3 Map Campaigns with temp ability unlocks Sure
  26. Remove bots in MP (lol) Yea, I agree… I thought they would be alright, but now I realize that if you let people play with bots, they will always play with bots, and will never want to join an all human server.
  27. Redesign fireteam creation method Yea
  28. Voip on by default with Global, Team, and Fireteam Channels :wink: Yes
  29. Manual VSAYS Hell yes
  30. Hitsounds with the ability to add custom headshot sounds (hi bombalak) Yes
  31. Custom x hairs (hi bombalak) Yes
  32. Remove weapon icons in kill log… replace that with the actual names of the weapons Doesn’t matter to me
  33. Highly Configurable CFGs Yes
  34. Add walk function mechanic that silences your footsteps Sure
  35. Each faction should have their own movement sounds Yes
  36. Remove Wireless Hacking mechanic, and force operative to hack from the objective No…keep it unique from the engineer objective. But make the range bigger and let the op be more creative about his hiding spot. Balance the maps, hack rate, defuse rate accordingly.
  37. Allow team-mates to see the health / incapped / gibbed status of fireteam members on HUD Yes
  38. Create a minimap with map data on it, instead of a transparent circle with red dots Not useful for me
  39. Allow the ability for players to colour their own name. <-yay customisation! I assume that enemies will still be the same color?
  40. Remove red depth of field blur in incapped state Yes…I hate that
  41. Remove red screen saturation on low health Yes… I hate that
  42. Add /kill Yes
  43. Remove any trace of an Objective Wheel Sure
  44. Become best friends with ATI so that the game runs on their cards Don’t piss off Nvidia though
  45. EMP that slows HE-Charge times, should only ever exist if the game isnt defensively biased Yes
  46. Design a proper awards section I guess
  47. Remove Steam integration, add ingame friends-list functionality I like Steam
  48. Create tutorials instead of dumbing down your gameplay Make the game you want…think about teaching it later.
  49. Release a demo or demonstrate the game on pc with pc controls Endless multiplayer demo that is limited to 1-2 maps
  50. Hire Kevin Cloud No idea

ps masive cough[/QUOTE]

Option for no iron sights servers… (Or don’t include them from the start.)
Demo recording with extensive playback features
Match Browsers on consoles
Allow us to pick up weapons dropped by other players when they die.

(Ruben0s) #55

I pretty much agree with everything humate said.

  1. Remove Character Customisation
  2. Remove Gun Customisation

I especially love to see this removed from their next game, but I think that their next game will have micro transitions. However, there is a way that I can live with customisations. That is if they make them completely artificial and give me a command in my config so I won’t see them ingame.

Also a SDK or MAP tools are a must for me. Modtools made games like W:ET and ET:QW way better. If you look at all the popular games that are still alive after serveral years then they have one thing in common and that is a SDK/MAP editor.

Counterstrike games.

These games still have thousands of people playing their game after serveral years.

And I seriously think that SD can appeal to a lot of people if SD promotes their next game as the next big multiplayer FPS game with a SDK. Well, I atleast got this feeling because if you read reviews of new games like BF3, you see a lot of people complaining about a SDK. You also had this when COD:MW 2 came out and even when Brink came out.

extremely cool mod for COD4


crazy mods for W:ET



I wish SD would go back to their roots when they still were modders.

(Humate) #56
  1. Do not wall off objectives (Not sure what this means)

What that basically means is, players can choose to push towards next objective if they feel they have control of the previous objective. Say theres 10 seconds left on the HE charge. but you have 2 players locking that down making sure it blows, the rest of your team can push up and position themselves on the next objective during those 10 seconds. It creates this dynamic, where the defending team has to decide whether a defuse is warranted, or whether its better to fall back, concede the objective to set up mines and turrets at the next objective. It creates flow / momentum and it gives the game a certain intensity. It also makes the game less defensively biased which is the kryptonite to stopwatch mode.

  1. All weapons and tools on a Weapon Bank (Don’t know what this means)

This means that each weapon and tool has its own slot allocated to it. If you see someone with a rocket launcher in their hands you know a rocket might come at your feet right? If you see a player with defibs you know they are going for a revive? You can read the player’s intention based on what you can see and you can react to that intention. As a player you have to pick and choose your moments when you pull your defibs out because you know everyone else knows you’re going for a revive. ie risk management

In Brink they took risk management out, by incorporating buffs (amongst other things). Every social class action happens at lightning speed which conceals intent, and protects the player “doing their job”. By removing the risk aka “all carrot no stick”, they cheapen the action, mitigating its influence. Knowing this, they compensate the lack of impact by tieing the actions to a grind system.
In other words - the attitude in the design is, it doesn’t matter whether or not the player sees the impact of their actions, it only matters whether or not they know they are being rewarded for them.
They replace playing with the purpose of winning, with the purpose of unlocking / having.

  1. Allow the ability for players to colour their own name. <-yay customisation! (I assume that enemies will still be the same colour?)

Class/faction models take care of enemy identification. Coloured names allow you to either pressure or avoid certain players by identifying their colour scheme.They would only pop up if you mouse over the class model. If I have a pink name and i kill you 10 times, the next map you’re going to either hunt the pink guy or try to avoid the pink guy. Also if weapons are tied to class, you could also look at the kill log, see what weapon I used and immediately know that I am one of the two operatives on the opposing team. It saves you from scanning everybody.

(Rubbaduren) #57

Well, IMO a great game is great nomatter what map its played on. As suggested many times in this tread, the problem is that every map is played the same way every time. Every game will have the same chokepoints. Every game will have a select number of players flanking behind enemy lines. If defending team wins, the chokepoint has been in the same area the entire game.

Fixes to this could be making spawns change, by opening new doors for instance. I’d like to see maps thats less “hallway-like”. Big open areas with different cover options. Perhaps with hallways above/underneath.

The damage seemed to random for my liking. If you were walking with 3-4 teammates, there was little need to “stay on ypur toes”, because there was no way one guy could do much damage to a group. And if one guy managed to do some damage, it would mainly be because of random hip-spray rather than good aim. This is ofc based on personal preference, as I would like to be the “hero”. It also makes it possible to sprint around a map, without keeping an eye out for enemies. Even as a light, it takes a little to long to kill.

BRINK is an awesome game. I love the graphics. I love the weapons. But its funny, its supposed to be a fast pased game, it feels way slower than CoD or CS. The SMGs are way to superior (IMO). And its to much of an american football FPS: Gain some yards, start again, gain some yards, repeat. Perhaps I had wrong expectations for the game all along, and that was the idea… But it was awesome with full servers.

To wrap this post up, id like to put in some stuff I think would be cool:

  1. Flip off walls in 3rd person, possible to fire a handgun. Trailerinsperation.
  2. Make some great campspots, but make them possible to destroy/(create). I know the whole idea behind the game was to keep moving, but to me it seems stupid to remove different playstyles. Ref trailer: whats the point of having a scoped sniper, if standing still is a no-no.
  3. Perhaps a possibility to sheath your weapon, where you can choose to go 3rd person, making more parkourmoves possible.

Not very important stuff though…

(.Chris.) #58

He was being sarcastic.

Check out Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. Their map design was far more interesting for this game type.

(Seiniyta) #59

SD kinda tied themselves up in that regard with the Island Brink was taking place on. Though to be honest, that shouldn’t have been too much of an excuse if the Island was well designed with alot of variation which simply lacked. I loved the tower level though, that was a cool level.

(gold163) #60

pardon me for asking tokamak, but I recall you posting in a different thread about how Brink’s problem wasn’t a lack of maps, but that the existing maps sucked and got boring fast?