What needs to happen in Brink 2

(Dormamu) #21

on the topic,
in Brink 2/new game, we seriously need more of Niki voice :smiley:

(zenstar) #22

I’d actually like to see them split MP and SP up and drop the whole “blurring the lines” thing.
I’d like a good single player campaign with a strong story. It can play out over the multiplayer maps (maybe with some extra doors or objectives) or over new maps or a mix of both. The background story to Brink is very cool but it gets in the way of a multiplayer match and starts to grate when you’ve watched it 15 times already. Use the maps and the missions to tell the story for MP purposes.
Also: when playing a single player experience I don’t want MP bots. I want a good enemy AI with a few different enemy types. That way they can do “special moves” and acrobatics that players cannot. I want spec ops that come swinging in through helicopters and scuba guys popping up out of water when I’m playing solo.

Think RtCW. Good single player. Good multiplayer. The complete, enjoyable package. I think SD could do a good solo play story. They’ve just never tried.

I think there’s enough that has been said about how to improve the MP game already.

(Commander_Keen) #23

Now we’re talking!

(Xeros612) #24

I’d have to disagree, at least with the during-match cutscenes. If only because they provide a nice opportunity to just kind of take a deep breath, stretch a little, and get ready for the next part.

(wolfnemesis75) #25

I agree. I like the cutscenes integrated with the MP. I think that’s one of the places where they “blurred the lines”, since there’s story elements to support what you are doing in the match. Most MP doesn’t have that. It just shows a matchmaking screen, then the end of the match with kills and points.

(zenstar) #26

I’m happy if they’re skippable but I don’t want to be forced to watch the same video over and over again. I’d rather be stuck in the spawn area for 30 seconds where I can check my loadout and team balance and talk tactics in chat.

Storytelling in MP has to take a back seat to a smooth gameplay experience. People are not playing the MP for a deep and engrossing story. They’re playing MP to kick another human’s butt. If they wanted deep and engrossing story they’d be playing a SP that’s tailored to delivering a storyline.

I’m not saying that the Brink story is bad. It just makes the MP experience too “broken up”. It’s great to see the first few times but after that you don’t even pay attention any more. It could be 30 seconds of static and it’d make no difference to you.

(gold163) #27

Implementing story features into a multiplayer game calls for subtlety, which Brink has in spades, but it’s mixed in with forced story elements that completely disrupt the flow of the game. Left 4 Dead is a great example of story in multiplayer that’s executed similarly to Brink, at least in theory. The characters automatically interact with each other in both gameplay and non-gameplay related ways that feel almost human (more on this in a bit), the environments are decorated with details so as to make them feel lived in but at the same time they are not overbearing, and there are unskippable cutscenes at the beginning and end of each campaign but they are short, to the point and feel far less tedious.

The problem with Brink is that there’s a lot more going on than in a game like Left 4 Dead. Automated character calls for gameplay essentials (medic, ammo, etc) aren’t portrayed in practical ways that are useful to the player, and feel chaotic instead of natural. The environments have details, but the pace of a match doesn’t really allow for many of them to really leave an impression. The cutscenes are far too frequent. too long, and don’t feel like they portray useful information to the player. In this kind of game I feel like games such as Team Fortress 2, Battlefield, etc etc. recognize the pace and the flow in a far more effective way, because the story elements of those games are subtler and don’t disrupt the game. The fact of the matter is, a multiplayer match has a far different weight to it than a singleplayer campaign and as such they need to be treated differently, which Brink made the mistake of specifically avoiding doing.

(wolfnemesis75) #28

But are they working another Brink, or something else? Its a moot point if they’re working on something completely different.

(DarkangelUK) #29

Not if they’re planning on implementing similar/same features.

(wolfnemesis75) #30

When do we get a hint on what the current project/projects are? We need some juice.

(DarkangelUK) #31

I would expect any reveal/teaser to be at an event such as E3 or GamesCom etc. Brinks reveal was 1.5 years after ETQW was released.

(gold163) #32

It’s not a moot point, since if they do anything even remotely similar to Brink they know exactly what mistakes not to make… and if they do make those mistakes again there will be absolutely no excuses.

(Ruben0s) #33

brink got a place in angryjoes worst games of 2011.


my favorite gamereviewer. The top 10 worst games is hilarious to watch. Brink is number 8, 9 is thor, 10 is green lantern and number 7 is duke nukem.

(Commander_Keen) #34

A cover system and a campaign

(gold163) #35

Cover system? There was leaning. Cover systems are redundant and largely unnecessary. The most that they do is add visual flair to a strategy that players always have, which is getting out of the way. Putting cover systems in games is like having a prompt to “press X to camp in this dark corner”. In the same way that SMART took away from actual mobility options that could potentially have had a place in the game, a cover system would greatly simplify the combat in a negative way.

It’s fine in some games that revolve around it but it would bog down the pace of Brink even more.

(sanDIOkan) #36

cool sd is working on brink 2
8 persons in this forum asked for it!!!

(suj8) #37

I seriously agree on this.

(ArchdemonXIII) #38

I personally like he idea behind light/med/heavy, i just think it was implemented poorly. Rather than scrapping it altogether, I’d like to see the game faster overall, with heavies bumped to medium speed, med bumped to light, and lights faster. Balance that with lights having the health of a mosquito (think tf2’s scout), med being well medium… and heavies being a damage sponge. also, give mediums wall bounce.

Better gunplay. I personally like the ADS, but it should be something you use from cover/ at range. I personally think being able to headshot at full sprint from hip at 100 meters is ridiculous, but hipfire should be viable at close/med range.

Somewhat related: Dual wield pistols as an alternative to SMG.

Less SMG dominance. Heavy weapons that provide heavy firepower instead of just being cumbersome.

a separate SP campaign, even if it’s just 2 4-hour campaigns, one for each side.


Less unlockable/ leveling BS. Barring that, character change from server, or as someone mentioned above, allow leveling all classes with more abilities.

MP bots that don’t suck/ become an impromptu cheat ( the fact that bots single-handedly kill silencers/stealth shoes is a major pet peeve. they see you anyway, then broadcast it to the team, so one bot can kill stealth/ gimp operatives) Also, how is it the bots can see you break disguise from behind them, but your teammates can’t not walk into your line of fire, especially when it ends up saving the guy you’re trying to kill? That happens so often i gave it a nickname: Secret Servicing.

Keep the fast buffs, but make it target your crosshair, if only on PC. Also separate key binds for buff/use/objective.

Make operatives useful for more than hacking/dying behind enemy lines.

(GR0MIT) #39

1-More maps
2-More gametypes
3-More guns
4-More gun attatchements
5-More gun skins
6-S.M.A.R.T needs an overhaul, they got it almost perfect last time, just make it more fliud next time
7-Kill CoD and BF with fire
8-NO STATS, NO K/D, NO NOTHING, stats have killed modern FPS games, no one cares about fun anymore, it’s all about K/D, W/L etc etc etc.

(light_sh4v0r) #40

[QUOTE=GR0MIT;392577]1-better maps
2-gametypes: don’t know, shouldn’t be necessary if they get it right.
5-More gun skins
6-S.M.A.R.T needs an overhaul, they got it almost perfect last time, just make it more fliud next time
7-Kill CoD and BF with fire
8-NO STATS, NO K/D, NO NOTHING, stats have killed modern FPS games, no one cares about fun anymore, it’s all about K/D, W/L etc etc etc.

fixed .