What needs to happen in Brink 2

(Zamininc) #1

I’ve had brink since the first day it came out, and it still is one of the best games I have ever played. I am extremely sad to see how, well, no one plays it anymore. That’s the whole reason I stopped playing. Here’s what I believe needs to happen in Brink 2.

  1. On the subject of body typing

Delete body types. No, seriously, delete body types. The thing that really made Brink stand out in my mind was the extremely fast paced action. And a medium/heavy build just doesn’t feel right to play. I suggest that instead of using body types to use certain weapons, we use a skill point system. Which brings me to my next point.

  1. Skill points

What about, if on level up, you gained a skill point (along with an ability point) to put in several categories? Health, damage, weapon tiers (could be called strength), speed, and others. In my opinion this would help make Brink 2 the customizing legend the first Brink was supposed to be. Which again, brings me to my next point.

  1. Customolization

When Brink was about to be released we were promised it would have oodles of customolization. We were very dissapointed when we played the game. I’m sure Splash Damage has learned there lesson on this one but still worth a mention.

  1. Get rid of bots.

I challenge ANYONE to find a console copy of the game and try to join a standard match in which half the players aren’t bots. Of course nowadays you can’t find a single player on it. But even back when it was just released and had a somewhat-stable consolebase, it was impossible.

  1. Make sure your goddamn game works.

Although not the fault of Splash Damage, make sure your ****ing game works next time. Graphic errors that effected most of the PC fanbase and all of the console. Horrible lag at the start. Glitches. Etc.

(FFSturm) #2

what if what!?.
I want my 4.99 back. j/k

(wolfnemesis75) #3

[QUOTE=Zamininc;389428]I’ve had brink since the first day it came out, and it still is one of the best games I have ever played. I am extremely sad to see how, well, no one plays it anymore. That’s the whole reason I stopped playing. Here’s what I believe needs to happen in Brink 2.

  1. On the subject of body typing

Delete body types. No, seriously, delete body types. The thing that really made Brink stand out in my mind was the extremely fast paced action. And a medium/heavy build just doesn’t feel right to play. I suggest that instead of using body types to use certain weapons, we use a skill point system. Which brings me to my next point.

  1. Skill points

What about, if on level up, you gained a skill point (along with an ability point) to put in several categories? Health, damage, weapon tiers (could be called strength), speed, and others. In my opinion this would help make Brink 2 the customizing legend the first Brink was supposed to be. Which again, brings me to my next point.

  1. Customolization

When Brink was about to be released we were promised it would have oodles of customolization. We were very dissapointed when we played the game. I’m sure Splash Damage has learned there lesson on this one but still worth a mention.

  1. Get rid of bots.

I challenge ANYONE to find a console copy of the game and try to join a standard match in which half the players aren’t bots. Of course nowadays you can’t find a single player on it. But even back when it was just released and had a somewhat-stable consolebase, it was impossible.

  1. Make sure your goddamn game works.

Although not the fault of Splash Damage, make sure your ****ing game works next time. Graphic errors that effected most of the PC fanbase and all of the console. Horrible lag at the start. Glitches. Etc.[/QUOTE]
Good stuff. I agree. I think all of that would improve the next game. More story next time. Within the campaign. And different maps for Multiplayer. Character can still be leveled up across all modes, but integrate them less so that they feel more distinct, and put challenges within multiplayer, if at all.

(tokamak) #4

Wolfnemesis agrees that next time SD needs to make sure that the godamn game works.

You heard it here first.

(Commander_Keen) #5

I agree with your first comment before you started numbering and that was “I am extremely sad to see how, well, no one plays it anymore”

You lost me after that.

  1. You may be onto something about leaving out the body types but it sounds like you went on to say keep only the lights. Yikes that would eliminate a ton of weapons. The lights are limited in what they can cary. But I guess you went onto say let everyone cary everything as they level up they unlock. bad idea because then noobs get owned and you don’t regrow the community.

  2. Skill points - Again i think having skilled players more powerful kills the game for newbs and unbalances everything. If you like to OWN other players there’s a sh!te load of shooters you can play to do that. battlefield series for example.

  3. Customolization - You can customize your weapons and your player almost limitlessly so I’m not sure what more you want there

  4. Get rid of bots - Again I have to disagree because with any shooter game the replay ability later on when the on line games slow down is to play off line with BOTs. Which I still do with BRINK at least once or twice a week. I enjoy playing with the BOTs except on Day 6: Early Launch :slight_smile:

  5. Make sure your ** game works (I will agree but qualify) on the PC cause it runs great on the 360. However the 360 was plagued with lag in the first couple of weeks.

This is the 3rd or 4th thread that I am awar of on this topic between here and the BETHESDA BRINK forums.

Above all I think we agree that there needs to be a BRINK 2. I hope it lives up to but improves upon the original. Which is hard because it’s darn near perfect IMO. Too bad others don’t get it.

(gold163) #6

I really hate the idea of a point progression system. It turns the game from competitive and skill-based to a guessing game with lots of numbers involved. It doesn’t tailor your character to your specific playstyle so much as make it difficult for other players to expect any sort of consistency from their opponents.

Everybody should be on roughly equal footing in regards to mobility in my opinion, and only buffs should make a difference in how much health you have. If you want a certain advantage in terms of health, etc, no reason why that can’t be added to the current ability system. That way players would be forced to make more meaningful decisions.

I don’t like that in Brink skills points are used between all classes. It makes you lean towards a certain class when you decide where to put your skill points. One of Brink’s biggest problems, in my opinion, is that it heavily favors certain classes. If all classes had equal progression per level, and if each class brought more than just intrinsic value to the team, they would be more useful. You pick Medic, Engineer, or Soldier because they’re useful to the team in at least two ways each that make sense and are unique. You pick Operative because, well, you HAVE to for certain objectives.

Instead, every level should give you a skill point to use for each class, and every few levels you get a skill point to put into a general skill. That way, there’s more balanced progression and you’re not stuck with one class that does nothing.

My suggestion for body types would be this: keep them for aesthetic reasons, but not for gameplay ones. Every weapon should be available to everybody at all times. Restrict mobility based on which weapon you currently have selected. And what I mean is this: every weapon except the ones that are obviously heavy weapons should allow you to use the full capabilities of SMART. Pull a heavy weapon out and you move more slowly, etc.

Dunno how people feel about the lotto spread, but if SD wants to keep it they should at least make it work well. Otherwise, recoil should be controllable by the player; if not, it should at least be random in a way that makes sense so that the player can affect it. Also, this is just my opinion, but ADS should truly be almost indistinguishable from hipfire. I’m not saying make it useless; I’m just saying do what you said you would for the first Brink before it came out.

The maps ought to be bigger, more open, have more non-linear objectives, and actually give players shortcuts for using SMART. I never understood why each team has to have a clear route to at least one command post, or that the defending team has easy access to both. That makes no sense. If anything, there should be more than two command posts per map. Also, hack objectives are the most boring thing in history. Nothing in the game should be that passive. And would it kill you to have a minimap or at least a map screen? Some of the paths are confusing enough as it is.

But alas, a Brink 2, much less one that fits our expectations, is probably not going to happen.

(its al bout security) #7

valid points.

i like brink i really do and just to see another one would make my life. just try to make player movement look less sketchy maybe? like knees buckling after jumps and stuff because honestly player movement looked kinda horrid C:

(tokamak) #8

I don’t like that in Brink skills points are used between all classes. It makes you lean towards a certain class when you decide where to put your skill points.

Nonsense, Brink is more about picking the class you invest less in than about picking a class you have to stick with. It’s an incredibly forgiving system and that’s what makes it so redundant and superficial.

(McAfee) #9

A linux dedicated server on release day, maybe even the day before release day.

(gold163) #10

You are right that the system is incredibly forgiving, since picking a class doesn’t limit weaponry/mobility, etc. Because the differences between classes are in team roles defined by special abilities, it is redundant that you’d have to invest in a class more than another, or that you’re expected to pick a “favorite class” to automatically spawn as, because you’re going to have to pick certain classes at certain points in a mission anyway and they all start with what they need to get the objectives done. But that’s the point I’m trying to make. It doesn’t make sense to give the player the impression that it’s better to spec only into one or two classes, which is what you get with the current skill point system. Even if you’re forced to play Operative or Soldier you’re still going to be playing Engineer or Medic the majority of the time, switching out only to do objectives. So you’re going to be putting most of your skill points towards the classes you like to play the most anyway, which was probably the intention but it highlights the problems the class balance has in the first place.

(wolfnemesis75) #11

This time maybe do a Halo Matchmaking or have Server Lists.

(Stormchild) #12

When levelling, you should get 1 point in each “tree” (soldier, medic, op and general) and the skills/perks for each class should be more numerous to choose from.

This way you can customize the way you play each class, but at the same time you know you don’t have a class that is completely left out for your char.

I’m saying this only because you can’t switch char during a game, and the whole gaming session is character-based. Because of this, I used to restrict the class I played depending on my char’s build, and I hated it because for me this is not the ET spirit at all.

Better yet, for the same char allow 3 different visual customizable outfits depending on the class, so you can still have your sneaky looking op and your badass looking soldier etc.

Of course there is still the matter of body types, but I think they should drop the idea altogether, and use only medium body types with the spee of lights (or almost) and the same SMART capabilities. That or balance/differentiate them more properly.

Add-in the gunplay tweaks, and then it’s starting to be a better merge of classic ET and character/XP/unlocks mechanics.

Oh, and I could talk heaps about the “locking” mechanics (along with movement/camera autocontrol) for giving health/ammo or interacting with activables. I also think this is a bad mechanic especially when managing lock priorities within a crowd etc… Maybe it makes the game more playable with a pad for example, but at least there should be a way to just activate what is under your cursor, etc. I don’t like this new mechanic much it hinders the game rhythm and allows for frustrating loss of control when it doesn’t behave as expected.

(Zekariah) #13

Just gimme a good campaign to play and multiplayer maps that you can do more than just one constant set of objectives every time. Variety was given in spades in the customization section of Brink, but was heavily lacking in maps and their gametype possibilities.

(gold163) #14

Well, games like Counter-Strike have sustained the same maps with the same constant set of objectives for years and years. It’s not about only having one constant set of objectives, but I do agree that variety is needed. The maps just weren’t designed to be played in more than one way, and as a result every moment of a match is going to end up similar to moments of another. There’s no room for surprise.

(Verticae) #15

If there’s ever a sequel to Brink, or any other shooter by Splash Damage, I’d want to see them take a step back to the basics: Easy to learn, hard to master. If the movement is smooth (hence, no clunky SMART) and the gunplay is solid - meaning you’ll hit where you’re aiming or at least close to it, people will play it. Don’t worry about scaring off casual players, because you won’t.

(sanDIOkan) #16

u guys are really boring
ask over and over same things…
why brink has so much haters, what is needed to have brink 2…

the answers are already written, already told.
Just read old posts about why brink failed

(wolfnemesis75) #17

I still think about the trailer with the different factions fighting, and the resolution with the one who appeared the victor, was then shot in the back. I really think that more of the story needs to be a focus. There was just so much more that could or can be explored. But keep it out of the realm of cliche. Add a twist to it, and flesh out more of the intrigue behind each faction. Also, have more of a progressive system of unlocks that denote experience within each faction. Also, maybe get rid of body types, and stick to one. This will allow easier balancing ultimately, and allow the maps to be expanded. Integrate challenges into the actual maps rather than as a side element. More maps. And more variation of defense vs offense challenge during a match so its less one sided.

(lobster) #18

The only people that would buy Brink 2 are the die hard fanboys, and there aren’t many. I wouldn’t buy Brink 2 if it was $5 at launch.

(Spendlove) #19

Brink 2 needs proper forum moderators to IP permaban the trolls.

(DarkangelUK) #20

Or ban the idiots that can’t understand logical debate and think anyone that doesn’t agree with them = troll