What do you want to see in Dirty Bomb?

(Seanza) #361

Wouldn’t you prefer the game was balanced from the beginning instead of splitting the community with a mod?

(10Tacle) #362

I’m 10Tacle, and hereby I approve this message. :wink:

If the released game is balanced, which is a big task already, sure it would enhance the perception of the community. But mods, no matter what for, help to keep the game going even for niches. In ET there were so many mods available, I’m sure there was something for every taste. Even if you played Mod A on a server, the same mod could still be altered on another server according to the owner’s gusto. Limited / banned weapons, new player models, custom sounds, custom Vchats, you name it. Customizing is a huge desire nowadays. Ever wonder why the F2P games, who just offer customized looks and cosmetics, are making huge amounts of revenue? Thats why (not talking about P2Win games here).

(DB Genome editor) #363

Except for the first item about restricitng weapons, this is kind of giving SD reasons NOT to support mod tools, or at least restrict what can and cannot be modded. As you said, cosmetic customizations (visual and audio) are a big revenue stream, you don’t want to lose control of it by allowing anyone to mod the game anyway they want.

(10Tacle) #364
v14, Wall of text incoming

Hm altho I see your point ($ generation would be limited on single servers due to restrictions / bans of XY), think of this from the other side. If I loved weapon X, and server Z bans this (we exclude reasons for the sake of discussion, I could go miles on this from an Admin-perspective), I simply switch servers. I assume that servers in Extraction will be run by communites or private persons too, not exclusively by SD as in the beta.
I must dig my archives, but I can prove that server-differentiation can work. Having limitations on heavy weapons (Panzerfausts, Mortars, Flamethrowers, Venoms) or banning the ones who cause too much imbalance entirely from a server will be cheered by at least as many players compared to the amount of players who like to wreck havoc with one simple holding of Right Mouse Button.

The community where I spent 99% of my ET time focussed on differentiation. On a certain server, there simply were no restrictions. At all. You could go rambo mode berzerking all day. But the ones who seeked a different style found home on the rest of our servers conveniently. We were happy to restrict certain things due to the fact that true balance support wasn’t made for ET. Ofcourse this point proves wrong if Extraction gets continued support and balance fixes / patches.

Maybe I re-word my previous post to:
IF there isn’t continued support and IF there are not balance patches from SD, server owners should be able to do this task themselves. and I hope we can agree on that point. Tailoring around balance makes or breaks a game.

(phillgates2) #365

dedicated server so communities can host them
able to play a match with out 4 people being on
aus servers
trick jumping
weapons like w:et

(Nail) #366

I have played on an Australian dedicated server, if that helps ya

(Rex) #367

MP40 in the future? o.O

(10Tacle) #368

Same model, same physics, same feeling. Let’s call it MP 40.2 :slight_smile:

No no, seriously. Doesn’t have to be WorldWar related weapons for me, perhaps some “relics” or “skins” of them available in customization. Even purchasable if that suits the concept of release.

(brbrbrbrbrbr) #369

beautifuly-crafed, wonderful, open landscapes/maps, like in Valley/ETQW. both gameplay and aestetic -wise.
64-bit binaries in engine. [AVX2/AVX3 code with[generic] fallback stuff].
recent/newsest OpenGL ES support by engine ? directly(!)used Mantle and NVAPI ? TrueAudio ? AmBX ?
so, less “bowling in portable fishtank”-styled 12mx12m maps, please.
fun/challenge/teamplay-based gameplay, with flexible and versatile/deep team/map control and missions/tasks systems, enforcing fun thus[by challenge].

probably you was missed StarWars soap opera point thus, which is pretty hilarious trash-movie/comedy, full of personal and social satire, depited/reflected with terrifying amounts fo seriousness in 1st movies :wink:
nor James Bond series[“meant to be done/depicted [completely]wrong”-style].

(Dthy) #370

OMG brbrbr is back!

(brbrbrbrbrbr) #371

worries not, citizen !!
i had not much time for gaming now[nor bitch/chat/discuss online].
so point for flaming to enrage and enjoy hatewave online - wasn’t point anymore, sadly.
maybe later ? :confused: anyway i warmly wish SD team luck with Extraction, aswell as ZM with other [intersting]works, anounced.
except TESO, probably, but i hope TESVI will be w/fun.
and had another engine[IdTech 6? CryEngine? EU4?not “Gamerbryo” anymore/anyway, i hope].

note: when you grow older and older[and finally at my age or ever older],finding/noticing people/persons that really fell something about you - became rare end valuable event. even persons able to “hate you with all my heart” (© Google) become rare and quite valuable asset.

(olipops) #372

sell me a beta key, let me test the game, and receive my feedback :smiley:

(Mustang) #373

I will sell you one for…

(brbrbrbrbrbr) #374

please correct me, but you are:

  1. want to had “beta-testing” as part of Extraction gameplay ? in which way ? mini-game ? part of combat ? social interactions? teamplay ?
    please, explain ! failure to do so - lead to you kind complete ex-termination.
  2. definitely went off-topic. there was special part of forum[the thing outside/below this particular/delicious thread], dedicated to screaming “gimmethat !!”/“brainzzzz!”/“keys!” zombies w/Nunchaku and w/o brainz.

(soulfreaq) #375

in games like League of legends when we are not playing a actual match we are not in fullscreen…

in short i Only want Fullscreen when abselutly nessesary… every other menu or screen should be ina window…

(prophett) #376

A future…

(NoCanDo) #377

What I mostly want to see is close quarter combat with teamplay. Trust me, the bigger a map is the fewer co-operaation is seen.

(You like my grammar?)

(Mustang) #378

[QUOTE=NoCanDo;492217]What I mostly want to see is close quarter combat with teamplay. Trust me, the bigger a map is the fewer co-operaation is seen.

(You like my grammar?)[/QUOTE]
I see it, but I don’t get it…

(NoCanDo) #379

I’ve played BFHeroes for a long time and briefly it’s a game which requires you to stick with your team or you’re going to lose most likely. That’s why I like it a lot but large maps kinda destroys the teamplay in it since every one is separated on a wide area.

(GoldenWontong) #380

Things I would like added:

  1. Easier voice commands (Instead of it being the number keys to access the voice commands, why not keys that are easier to reach with your hands being on WASD)

  2. More Gun Customization (Red dot sights, Silencers, Attachments)
    Also it would be cool if instead of all camos and attachments being free, it cost some amount of money to buy em.

  3. More antistropic filtering (Different amounts: 1x - 16x)

4.Upgradeble guns and equipment