What do you want to see in Dirty Bomb?

(drstrangelove) #241

This is exactly what we need if we want to increase the competitive scene of the game.

(Brinkman) #242

No iron sights
60+ fps and matching animation (quake wars took a hit for capping animation at 30fps)
adjustable FOV
same game mechanic as W:ET

(jagardaniel) #243

Competitive maps/game modes and some kind of spectator mode :slight_smile:

(Scarhand) #244

Simplistic weapons
Non-hindering sprint (not just forward, can shoot while sprinting)
No bonuses for things like getting high killing sprees/streaks
No advantageous benefits for people who pay money
Wolf ET hitsounds or the ability to change to those hitsounds
Ability to fine tune settings
Good movement speed (so I don’t spend 5 minutes getting to the enemy to spend 5 seconds in combat before dying)
Competitive combat rather than luck based (i.e. accurate weapons, weapons don’t kill too fast)

(Mustang) #245

They’ve mentioned in several places that DB will absolutely not be pay-to-win, so money is never going to buy an advantage.

(JTheJackal) #246

More developers seem to be taking this stance. Hopefully the days of P2W games are coming to an end.

As for what I’d like to see in DB: Stats galore. It’s trivial next to other features of the game of course but I do love me some stats to look at and compare.

(iwound) #247

body parts, not gibs but parts. get shot somewhere and it falls off.
shot in the leg you hop. arm, gets trickier. heres a video i made to explain better.


(en2ie) #248

Yes pay to win is a big no no. The other thing that irritates me about the free to play model is - take say… Planetside 2 or Tribes Ascend, if you pay the cost of a normal game £30-40 you only unlock some of the content. I hope SD consider adding an “unlock all” feature to Dirty bomb at a reasonable price.

(Bullveyr) #249

Hasn’t every developer said that. :wink:

That doesn’t mean I think DB will be pay-to-win.

(Brinkman) #250

[QUOTE=Bullveyr;426589]Hasn’t every developer said that. :wink:

That doesn’t mean I think DB will be pay-to-win.[/QUOTE]
Yeah this will be completely up in the air. I’ve yet to see a free to play FPS that hasn’t been like this.

Usually they have an unlocking system where you can pay to get levels unlocked but DB devs have come out and said this game will not be a stats unlocking game. Only thing I can think of is customizing your characters.

I’ve already dropped $30 so I hope I get whatever purchases come out.

(Stein) #251

Spec mode and DB-TV

(en2ie) #252

Replying to my own post because Tribes Ascend today added a single purchase option which unlocks all the content for the game. Its also cheaper if you are a VIP (have previously purchased something from the game). Maybe this is because the micro-transactions have dried up - but I still feel that they should have had this option from the start (as should DB).

(BrightIs) #253

Ability to physically kick or push like in et. So if someone gets in your way you can push them out the way or push an enemy off the top of a building to their death.

(iwound) #254

i really want this. and they know i want this, and you know they know i know you know i want it. well push anyway.

(BomBaKlaK) #255

I want this to ! nade pushing was awesome !

(BrightIs) #256

I think their needs to be at least 5 maps ready to play when Dirty Bomb finally goes public, that way people won’t get bored and put off people playing.

(playa) #257

I would like to see;

Configs, so i can easily bind my classes and other cvars

callvotes; maps,kick player,ref, load comp settings, load public settings, SPECLOCK, teamlock, +MVALL

ability to adjust FOV

prime nades

no iron sights, make it 100% hipfire, except sniper

obj, DM, TDM, CTF would be nice. make sure obj is balanced spawn times

bring back a the panzer, bring back med needles

add spectate and record option

it would also be nice to have people of the community add mods and maps so an SDK would be sweet.


(BrightIs) #258

I would like the ability to make custom maps so that i can contribute to the game and community.

(Atavax) #259

meh, so did r5 with Firefall, didn’t stop them from selling advantage in PvP… What a developer says and what they do can be completely different things.

(Atavax) #260

perfectly accurate guns with no sights.

adjustable FOV