We've Hit 2 Million Player Accounts! Free RAD Bux Up For Grabs Inside!

(robotman5) #41

dang im a month late lol:tongue:

(Dima1907) #42

I also want to free buns))
ник dima1907

(Commander1WkD) #43

:slight_smile: Super cool , although i’ll say i’m an Amateur here,& just signed up , this game looks simply awesome … and a cool 500 credits wouldn’t go astray , especially for a beginner , i’d like to say.

Congrats , on such a Milestone in an given amount of time.:cool:

(Carbon.Raptor) #44

Congrats! :penguin:

(drall) #45

It will be very cool to get 500 radbux
or even 100.


(Funnerz) #46

Congrats on the 2mil milestone! Thanks for the special giveaway!

(ogsnakeeyes) #47

Gimme freebies

(Nail) #48


(SummeryCover) #49

I wanna be rich!!! lol.

(shadoooooo) #50

i am the man ho need that win:):D:rolleyes::mad::cool:

(Nail) #51

contest ended in March 2014

(the_persuader) #52


(Innova) #53

Congrats :slight_smile:

(SiRHiGH187) #54

Leave comment xd

(CamaraJohnDog) #55

es un juego muy entretenido . deseos los Rad rux

(leonmac007) #56

I really enjoy tactical games!:d

(Silvanoshi) #57

Glad to hear it Leon :)!

(al_gore) #58

I have been playing this for a while now and am at level 32. I really wanna play more campaign mission but am to poor :frowning: need them rad bux super bad

al_gore out, excelsior

(Bossomus) #59

Wow. 500 free! Definitely commenting :wink:

(Dthy) #60

I don’t think half the people commenting on here now realise that it’s been over for AGES.