Maybe possible, but it wouldn’t be a game anybody would want to play if you need to download an update every 2 days. Also not possible if it were on steam since I think it’s a whole ordeal to get each update approved etc.
When looking for a good AC method the first thing you need to take into account is that client can’t be trusted. Best solution imo is just watching players stats an kicking, banning or flagging the players that are getting 90% headshots etc.
Another method that could stop some cheats would be define what a client can see on the server and only send him network updates about the stuff he can see. So if another player is not in your LoS you don’t receive network updates about that player. I don’t think that’s been done before in an FPS, but there’s probably a good reason why (server load, very hard to implement,…)
Another reason your idea wouldn’t work is that you must always assume that the hacker is infinitely smarter than you. If you can design a metamorphic game then the hacker can design a metamorphic hack.