Video capture software?

(Dthy) #1

anyone know of any video capture software which doesn’t slow a computer to a snails crawl? I try using fraps, but its eats away at my computer performace and i can’t get a decent frame-rate to record. Im to lazy to use the search function on here if your wondering…

Thanks in advance, Dthwsh.

(timestart) #2

The InterGoogle has lower latency btw.

(Dthy) #3

whoops, typo, meant doesn’t slow comp down… fail

I actually had to google InterGoogle… double fail

(INF3RN0) #4

Not much that is better than fraps. Just use rendernetdemo, it’s der best.

(Dthy) #5

im a nub, what is this? (please don’t let this be a triple fail, failed enough as it is at college…)

(Crytiqal) #6

You play back a demo, and instead of seeing the video smoothly, it actually renders and saves a picture for each frame, no matter how long it takes for your cpu to calculate that frame.

Then when you are done, just stitch all them pictures together to make a movie :wink:

(INF3RN0) #7

Proceed forward by clicking on timestar’s link and reading the page :wink:.

(Dthy) #8

ahh ok, cheers. I’ll need to spend some time doing that, and need to delete some useless shiz on my HDD