Vanilla Map MOD

(Osmosis) #1

I may not be using the right terminology. What about Mods for the vanilla maps. I know there is QWTA, Dusk, Brace, etc. These mods also work with custom maps.

What I’m suggesting is a mod that add or subtracts deployable locations, add or subtract vehicles, obstacles. There is old footage of ETQW when it was in progress and the explosions were amazing. The explosion would begin with the “dome” and expand outward and you could see the pressure waves rippling on the ground.

Additional things like MG bunkers that an engineer can construct. How about Hyper bunkers for the Strogg on their defense maps? This could fix things like on Area 22 there is a MG on the side of the GDF base facing the hill. MG should’ve been placed in the building facing the last Strogg spawn.

These are things that could be added to QWTA instead of creating another mod. Just deactivate what you don’t want.

(AnthonyDa) #2

[quote=Osmosis;223428]I may not be using the right terminology. What about Mods for the vanilla maps. I know there is QWTA, Dusk, Brace, etc. These mods also work with custom maps.

What I’m suggesting is a mod that add or subtracts deployable locations, add or subtract vehicles, obstacles. There is old footage of ETQW when it was in progress and the explosions were amazing. The explosion would begin with the “dome” and expand outward and you could see the pressure waves rippling on the ground.

Additional things like MG bunkers that an engineer can construct. How about Hyper bunkers for the Strogg on their defense maps? This could fix things like on Area 22 there is a MG on the side of the GDF base facing the hill. MG should’ve been placed in the building facing the last Strogg spawn.

These are things that could be added to QWTA instead of creating another mod. Just deactivate what you don’t want.[/quote]
(and afaik, you can’t edit official maps, at least not like you want them to be).

(Osmosis) #3

I figure they could be edited for non-ranked servers. The weather is random on the vanilla maps when playing Dusk. Sometimes, it cloudy and rainy sometimes not. Refinery looks weird with an extremely overcast sky.

If that could be done on the vanilla maps I figured more could be done.

(Azuvector) #4

There’s a limited amount that can be done in terms of changing an existing map without the source files for it(which have not been released for the official maps). To a limited extent, you can add and subtract things(this is largely limited to entities). In some cases, such as deployed MGs, part of the map structure around them has been built to support them(sandbags for example), and you’d only have an MG without any fortification if you tried to edit the map that way…

(Ashog) #5

If you are looking for new experiences I recommend playing custom maps on Nirvana sundays.

(Punkoma) #6

or on dudes fridays -.-

(Susefreak) #7

He’s TAW :D, we have the largest userbase of custom content

(Punkoma) #8

buts buts buts…we haz the b…the m… i guess all custom servers rock somehow.

(.Chris.) #9

You can do most of what you want with some .entities ‘hacking’ and changing some masks for deploys and stuff but really it’s not worth it in my opinion.