Hey everyone,
I was looking for ETQW tutorials and information on which common textures should be used when designing a level and why. I already know that there are example world files but they don’t really explain to me why certain textures were used vs. others. Here is my understanding so far, please correct me if I am wrong or misunderstand something.
Caulk is used to prevent areas from leaking. This is used when you use vis portals (only visportals?) to make sure your room is still sealed off. Is there any documentation about leaking or caulk?
There are many types of textures used for clipping such as “clip, clip_metal, clip_noflyer,clip_plus, clip_plusmovables”. These textures block movement based on if their materials were defined with “playerclip, flyerhiveclip, vehicleclip, moveableclip, explosionclip, or projectileclip”.
I’m not sure what collision brushes do but they have a shader called “collision”. I’m not sure how they are different from “clip” textures.
I see clip materials use:
whereas collision materials use:
-surfaceType “none”
Could someone explain to me the difference?
I also don’t understand the difference between the aas textures for bots. I’m trying to figure out bot stuff but there’s little information. I started digging through the bot_entity file and scripting to figure out how to implement bots properly.
I think understanding the properties in the material declaration will significantly help my understanding of these common textures and answer my question on when to use them. Does anyone know any site with this information, I googled a lot and am not finding anything that explains the basics of leaking and proper use of these materials.
Thanks in advance!