Top 4 areas to improve

(prophett) #41

I updated my drivers as per BF4 recommended Nvidia drivers and my performance in xT is considerably less (unless the new patch gave me a performance hit). Was holding 120 most times prepatch/pre-driver update, now it’s more like 80-120 (a lot of dips).

i7 4770k
780 GTX
16 GB Ram

(spookify) #42

[QUOTE=prophett;486586]I updated my drivers as per BF4 recommended Nvidia drivers and my performance in xT is considerably less (unless the new patch game me a performance hit). Was holding 120 most times prepatch/pre-driver update, now it’s more like 80-120 (a lot of dips).

i7 4770k
780 GTX
16 GB Ram[/QUOTE]

Crazy… I have never noticed a performance hit in XT. All my issues are with bullet Reg, Euro Server Lag and Random Spread… In USA servers the game runs smooth for me. Euro servers I rubber band, get weird lens flares and either die around corners or die from no where…

(Rex) #43

[QUOTE=prophett;486586]I updated my drivers as per BF4 recommended Nvidia drivers and my performance in xT is considerably less (unless the new patch gave me a performance hit). Was holding 120 most times prepatch/pre-driver update, now it’s more like 80-120 (a lot of dips).

i7 4770k
780 GTX
16 GB Ram[/QUOTE]

Nvidia just released their latest driver: 332.21 WHQL Runs better for me in Xt. :wink:

Surprise, surprise with a high ping! :smiley:

(Ashog) #44

HA! Waaaaay tooooooo early!

You have lost teh fight with PC-fever :slight_smile:

(TacTicToe) #45

Game is looking too much like Brink 2 to me. Brink turned out to be a colossal failure, despite being a fun game. IMO if they continue as they are, this game will meet that same fate. Until or unless I see the game open up the game play and map size for at least a 32 slot server (minimum) game is pretty much dead to me. A 6v6 game on PC in this day and age is just absolutely absurd. We are long past the days of running a server on a 386 with 24 megs of RAM. There is plenty of competition out there with games that have larger maps and more players. Hell even ETQW had 32 players.

Time to step it up guys. Seriously.

(stealth6) #46

“Titanfall’s maximum player count is six on six”

Yep, totally absurd.

(Ruben0s) #47

[QUOTE=stealth6;487064]“Titanfall’s maximum player count is six on six”

Yep, totally absurd.[/QUOTE]

Yea player count is 6v6, but they added 24 bots and if I’m correct every human player can have a personal bot as well. So in total you have 48 players (if you count the AI as well). But still 6v6 gets a lot of critiscm. I wonder why…

When I read the comments some people are worried when they see low player counts, because they think of : small maps and they think it can harm the community.

Well… I don’t know if this is the case for Titanfall, but for xt at least the first thing is true.

What I take from 6 vs 6 :

Smaller maps. (possibly)
Lack of diversity in teams.
Not able to play with a larger amount of my friends (or community) at once.
We have Halogon nights every now and then, and a lot of people turn up to play.

But there also enough people who think player count doesn’t matter. So maybe it’s not that big of a problem. Sadly it is for me :frowning:

(Patriotqube) #48

this sums it up for me

I admit i was hoping to see not WET2 but a game with the same gameplay etc etc, its not.
i will be checking in Again sometime, but for now, the game is ruined for me

(dommafia) #49

Ugh, no thanks.

(BomBaKlaK) #50

24 is THE number to use !

(Breo) #51

No way! Most maps are too small for that amount of players and the game will be even more laggy with all those skins?

(Raviolay) #52

42 that’s the number.

(attack) #53

i rly lost any believe in this game. i rly thought we were on the right way for some time ,but i think i was simply blinded because of the thing i wanted it to be.

Lets face it , the base of the game is already poisoned , there are so many stuff which is simply horrible wrong or not included or havent even thought about it.
lets name it , the game layout already cant work!

do i think this game will be succesfull? sry, i simply dont. i think maybe it can get back the invested money , but i dont see it to be a big name in future ,or be the next star on the horizon.

i do not list the things which should be fixed or implemented, because they are mostly already named by others and the list is far too long anyway.
ifor me its clear this game crashes and the only thing which SD can change about it is how hard it crashes!

(BomBaKlaK) #54

Then make some good maps, and optimization

1 point for you ! :stuck_out_tongue:

(spookify) #55

6 v 6 and 8 v 8 for Pubs… Anything over that is a noobfest… Especially with these narrow maps…

  • I would like to 1 v 1 or 2 v 1 or even 3 v 1 some people but when I have 5 v 1 + Getting Shot in the back no thanks.

Also get the USA servers rocking! The Euro lag makes it impossible to do well (Do well I mean 3:1 K/D for me) and have fun because I am going 1:1 or 2:1 but trying to figure out how to lead people because of the lag and getting shot around corners or from nowhere! I also think the hit beeps are lagged on a laggy server and it makes me want to stab my ears and eyes out!

(Rex) #56

Oh dear, the ever on-going server size discussion again. :rolleyes:

(Glottis-3D) #57

i honestly dont understand SD approach at some points.
what stands behind some of essential changes in this game.

  1. Like deleting some challenging objects in maps - so the map plays 10 minutes?
    how is this even appeared? why does this matter - how long the map play and not how FUN it is? I always thought that first of all you make a map as good as possible, and only THEN you try to tweak it, saving the best and sacrifiing things that lack fun.
  2. pushing the diversity of chars so far that it becomes absurd. char independent OBJs, nades, HP difference, and randomness in gun play being 4 most questionable desisions.

other things - like performance, sounds, launcher, abilities balance ets - i am not worried about that much, because ofcourse they gonna make it.

(attack) #58

back ,there was a time where the maps where far too long.
40+ min if im not wrong. LB was rly painfull and exhausting to play!

(shaftz0r) #59

[QUOTE=attack;487168]back ,there was a time where the maps where far too long.
40+ min if im not wrong. LB was rly painfull and exhausting to play![/QUOTE]

yeah, and camden could get super long too, but honestly, i prefer linked stages of obj. the build up is that much more fun

(RasteRayzeR) #60

Need campains with 3-4 stages … like ETQW