Top 4 areas to improve

(stealth6) #21

Actually sounds like a good idea, drown out our complaints with fresh views please!

EDIT: Also agree with Seanza, can’t wait till they clear up what the vision is. I’m hoping 5v5 match making Dota2 style with mercs, no mention of classes anymore. We’re annoyed anyway so stop trying to cater to all crowds.

(prophett) #22

The next key give away you guys do though, I recommend not giving current players friend invites. I think we’d be better off with a limited time public give away.[/QUOTE]

+1 for this. A good variety of new blood from different backgrounds would be great. I gave all mine away to old teammates and rtcw/et players and they all walked away within a few days…

(acutepuppy) #23

[QUOTE=RasteRayzeR;486318]Agreed, the lack of communication coming from Nexon is a real problem because even if the in-game issues are far from new, this is the first time since the opening of the alpha that players are leaving. My guess is that when SD was handling the communication, we had a lot more information to feed on and we could prepare ourselves for whatever was coming.

In the end the gamers get what they want or leave, and right now they are leaving. Time to pause the development, sit around a table to find solutions, and then resume.[/QUOTE]

This is the first business Monday of 2014. Communication and development has been effectively paused for like 3 weeks.

(warbie) #24

That’s pretty telling tho isn’t it. All the RTCW/ET friends I know who have beta access have done the same too. I know this isn’t intended to be a RTCW/ET sequel, but there are obvious efforts to try and appeal to this crowd being made that are falling short. You think the vocal members of the general forums are going to be happy with Extraction - they’re not. tbh I’d rather SD told everyone to **** off and just make the game they want to make and can be passionate about rather than trying to please everyone and ending up pleasing no one.

(attack) #25

i dont think SD knows what they want to create

(Kendle) #26

I think SD do know what they want to create, it’s just not what the vast majority here want and they’ve allowed themselves to be dragged in a direction they didn’t want to go by the feedback they’ve received on these forums.

To an extent I agree with Warbie, perhaps they should just tell us all to piss off and get on and make the game they want to make. Trouble is they tried that with Brink, and look how that turned out.

OT, I’m not really playing at the moment either, but that’s because there’s nothing to hold my attention. The map rotation on the server seems to be 4 maps, that come around quite quick because they’re too small and fast now, and there’s just so much missing from the game … no forward spawns, no true spawn wave, poor maps, meat-grinder objectives, too little class inter-dependency etc.

I can’t spend hours a night, and / or several nights a week, playing a half finished game, because that’s what XT is at the moment. I look forward to the open beta / final release, but for now it’s try the patches when they’re released then an hour or 2, here and there, when I can be bothered, in the meantime.

(acutepuppy) #27

I dunno, I think the largest player-base of W:ET is yet to hear of Extraction, just because they’re out of the news-loop. There isn’t a lot of press yet.

I just found out my room mate played a lot of W:ET years ago when he saw me playing XT, and hadn’t heard of it in the slightest.

(warbie) #28

[QUOTE=acutepuppy;486351]I dunno, I think the largest player-base of W:ET is yet to hear of Extraction, just because they’re out of the news-loop. There isn’t a lot of press yet.

I just found out my room mate played a lot of W:ET years ago when he saw me playing XT, and hadn’t heard of it in the slightest.[/QUOTE]

There’s quite a few ex RTCW/ET players knocking around. It’s often mention in forums I frequent when people are talking about old games they were into or stuff they’d like to be modernised. There’s a good deal of dissatisfaction around with the current crop of BF and CoD games - the time is ripe for a decent arcady shooter.

(stealth6) #29

Class system -> mercs
Big maps -> small maps

Those are two things that make me wonder if they do know what they want to create. Also the amount of negative feedback has been increasing instead of decreasing so I don’t think they’re following what the community wants. (or maybe it’s just the increase in vocal players?)

If they do have a vision - great! Can’t wait till they communicate that with us so we might be able to constructively help. (although that’s not needed to provide ECHO data, so there’s no need to really)

(spookify) #30

Right now with the maps and obj’s which both suck it is set up for a team based game. However there is no reason to work as a team… Protecting engys and healing and giving out ammo… No need for that… You can take Fragger or that solider guy and just keep trying to run in… He can plant so why is an engy needed.

I miss team play!

Plus as everyone knows I miss being a rambo in pubs. I can be a rambo with any class and now its fragger but I do miss my Rambo medic. Actually what I miss is a gun that hits where I want it to hit…

Reduce Spread decrease Damage smaller hit boxes and less spam! I remember SD saying that as the game goes on they will make the skill level higher once players are comfortable with it. Just do it know… Give the noobs a panzer they can run around with that can insta gib in one shot. Engy is a great class for a noob. I am sure they love those turrets and mines… Give the good players the guns… Heck even an auto sniper noobs love… People will always play the class they feel comfortable with and they are good at.

Give medics back their power, open up the maps, reduce spread, make team work stand out and much much more.

We have told you these suggestions from the beginning and yet no patch to reward our feedback…

(RasteRayzeR) #31

[QUOTE=spookify;486356]Right now with the maps and obj’s which both suck it is set up for a team based game. However there is no reason to work as a team… Protecting engys and healing and giving out ammo… No need for that… You can take Fragger or that solider guy and just keep trying to run in… He can plant so why is an engy needed.

I miss team play!

Plus as everyone knows I miss being a rambo in pubs. I can be a rambo with any class and now its fragger but I do miss my Rambo medic. Actually what I miss is a gun that hits where I want it to hit…

Reduce Spread decrease Damage smaller hit boxes and less spam! I remember SD saying that as the game goes on they will make the skill level higher once players are comfortable with it. Just do it know… Give the noobs a panzer they can run around with that can insta gib in one shot. Engy is a great class for a noob. I am sure they love those turrets and mines… Give the good players the guns… Heck even an auto sniper noobs love… People will always play the class they feel comfortable with and they are good at.

Give medics back their power, open up the maps, reduce spread, make team work stand out and much much more.

We have told you these suggestions from the beginning and yet no patch to reward our feedback…[/QUOTE]

You are asking for W:ET 2.

I agree on the maps and the classless objectives though. And the engineer class is all but a noob class. With 75HP getting a 4 men kill is really hard when it’s so damn easy with fragger. Fragger is for noobs, just spray around you get free kill streaks lol.

(Evil-Doer) #32

The next key give away you guys do though, I recommend not giving current players friend invites. I think we’d be better off with a limited time public give away.[/QUOTE]

I hesitate to say I didn’t even give any friends invites away, because I’d get laughed at.

(dommafia) #33

[QUOTE=acutepuppy;486351]I dunno, I think the largest player-base of W:ET is yet to hear of Extraction, just because they’re out of the news-loop. There isn’t a lot of press yet.

I just found out my room mate played a lot of W:ET years ago when he saw me playing XT, and hadn’t heard of it in the slightest.[/QUOTE]

I’ve been playing W:ET a lot lately and I can also confirm this is the case. A server I frequent with 24 players on and no one knew wtf I was talking about when I asked if anyone had applied for the beta.

(Anti) #34

In the grand scheme of things we’ve done very little promotion yet, very little. We want to get the game right before we start hyping it :slight_smile:

(tokamak) #35

Ooh! We have a pulse again!

(Exedore) #36

Be careful what you wish for…


(tokamak) #37

My bod…I mean my new rig is ready!

(spookify) #38

[QUOTE=Exedore;486572]Be careful what you wish for…


What Part we have been wishing for a lot…

(spookify) #39

New Rig wont help… I never drop below 125 FPS and 333 in some area’s… New Rig doesn’t help this game…

(tokamak) #40

Well my previous pc didn’t allow me more than 17 fps ever.