TLR 5v5 ETQW Cup Season 3 - 15th September 2010

(Seanza) #1

Here comes the third season, you should know the drill by now! Official news post can be found here.

Site: TLR ETQW 5v5 CUP
Admins: Seanza, matsy
Contact: #thelastresort on Quakenet (or #etqw.gather)

Getting involved is extremely easy. You don’t even need to sign up this site! Team captains can sign their team up here making sure they add all players who will be active in this cup. Mix teams & non-EU teams* are allowed too.

The cup starts at 7.30pm CET (That’s 1 hour ahead of current UK time) on Wednesday the 15th of September


[ul][li]Teams must have atleast 5 players.
[/li][li]Servers must run this config.
[/li][li]All matches must be played using ETQWPro 1.0.
[/li][li]Everything else as standard cup rules (If you have any questions or need anything clarified, ask Seanza).[/ul]

[ul][li]Area 22
[/li][li]Refinery (es_skipMCP 2)

[ul][li]Server config
[/li][li]ETQWPro 1.0[/ul]
Good luck to all & have a great time!

  • By signing up as a non-EU team, you are agreeing to playing on EU-based servers & timezone.

(r3fleX) #2

With 13 members signed up to 1stCav, maybe they should enter 2 teams? :slight_smile: Also nice to see a good amount of teams signing up each week…

(Seanza) #3

I know I mentioned it earlier Samurai, but just so others are aware: The 1stCav roster is stored on the database frmo back in the day when I used to run my cups during more active times of ETQW. I do hope the majority of them can be contacted to be active though and do make split teams, would be awesome.

(WQLF) #4

I think the map roster would be better without Maridia. It hasn’t been played enough in better times for the game and now with that few people and activity I don’t think many teams who barely played it now are going to learn it… at least not unless there was a real activity in the game (propubs, wars, etc.).

(Seanza) #5

It’s fine in the map roster, it’s not being picked in the map round. Maridia was an official map in ClanBase, remember ; )

(WQLF) #6

Yes, I know. I don’t doubt there are arguments enough to put it in the roster. It is more a question of taste. Take it as an opinion, just in case there are more clans which prefer not to play it.

(Seanza) #7

Thanks for your feedback. The same arguement could be for every map though, there are certainly some that people detest playing (Refinery for example :P). If you have any more suggestions, I would genuinely welcome them!

(WQLF) #8

Ok, I’m among those who detest Refinery aswell.

(matsy) #9

Personally I’d like to see Outskirts with MCP off, hack objective and then steal the data brain and transmit!

(Apples) #10

I’d like to be able to pickup a map with a tosscoin… other team choose side, with a so little mappool I think everyone by now know them all, and i want to play maridia!

(r3fleX) #11

Yes definitely keep maridia! it is a very good/fun map to play with and not many people play it, so you have an advantage if your teams trains for it :smiley:

(Dthy) #12

Sky would be a hilarious map for competition i think, all the jumping would be chaos!

(Apples) #13

Sniping party

(Gradis) #14

id bring a bottle or 2

(Seanza) #15

Are you bringing 4 of your mates to this party?

(light_sh4v0r) #16

I don’t think he needs 4 mates to empty those 2 bottles :tongue:

(Seanza) #17

You reckon he can take a team on himself then eh? :stuck_out_tongue:

(light_sh4v0r) #18

That depends completely on how he uses said bottles :slight_smile:
All up to your imagination.

(Gradis) #19

by throwing them (empty ofc) :stuck_out_tongue:

was my reference to sky map!

Id sign us qubes up, but some of them just got this thing like real life to faff about with. pfff :smiley:

At tho mo with apples on ze randoms for this week.

Might have a crate of sick next week. lol.

(Luc1an) #20

I would like to congratulate the Aero Team. They have showed a really nice and competitive team play and forced us to work hard.
Aero has gave some lessons about how to face a final and how to behaive and perform… Well done :slight_smile:

Congratulations guys.