- killing someone super mario head jump style with the Icarus (or just by jumping from top)
- see wether deployable from space or skycranes can destry infantry or light vehicles or tanks when they impact
- see what happens when you sit on the mouth of any artillery when it fires
- riding on top of a goliath as a GDF soldier
Things you'd like to try once the game is out
Killing someone by dropping deployable on them
Exploring for easter-eggs.
Be the first person who get’s the actual copy of game. Even by pirateing it! ( I’ll still buy it. )
making this movie with cool effects and a story, much fire, violence and a lot dead gdf:
the strogg will be bad. very bad.
After installing the game I will jump on the first available server and start randomly shooting stuff up
Dont post that things. Maybe sd will “fix” them and delay the game for another year. :roll:
I’m pretty sure they know all those things. They are playtesting for months if not years already.
it’s overrated and you can’t switch it off when you want to - quite old fashioned really
Oh yes … I know the nice crunching times. Only for me the end products never were anything fun … all just stuff where people won’t notice when it works, and go ballistic when there are minor flaws
Ah … corporate software development … smells like madness.
I would hope there’d be some kind of bouncing-around party involved. With coekjes and pai. :nag: