Things You Were Too Afraid to Ask: Robert 'Mac' Macdonald

(badman) #1

A new story entry has been added:

[drupal=886]Things You Were Too Afraid to Ask: Robert ‘Mac’ Macdonald[/drupal]

Our intrepid series of staff interviews returns, shining our inquisitive spotlight on UI programmer Robert ‘Mac’ Macdonald. Mac has rather illustrious background, having worked on at least several Silent Hills as well as a few simulations for The Government. Being our resident UI programmer, he gets to implement the elaborate user interfaces conjured up by the design department with a generous helping of transitions, animations, and swooshes (gotta have those). He also wears kilts (allegedy, of course) and owns a fake pipe (depicted on the right there).
To find out more about Mister Mac, including how he stumbled into the games industry (hint: it wasn’t head-first), his job at Splash Damage, his tips for asipiring games programmers, and loads more, compile the full interview on his profile page.
And don’t forget - if you’ve got any questions you’d like to ask Mac, post them up in the comments and we’ll gently push him your way.

(light_sh4v0r) #2

Great writeup, nice sense of humor mr macdonald :slight_smile:
So what’s with the lack of UI programmers for Brink? I thought SD had none?

(Mustang) #3

Oh dear, all this time saying the Brink UI was cobbled together by other coders in their spare time, yet here we have a dedicated programmer… what gives?

(jRAD) #4

Mac was hired towards the very end of Brink’s production.

(Indloon) #5

UI makes game to look as it is!

So you are very very important guy,even if you got hired towards the very end of Brink’s production :smiley:

Since you are UI developer,got question to you:
Expensive Scaleform vs own made flash C++ UI? :smiley:

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