Things You Were Too Afraid to Ask: Paul 'MoP' Greveson

(badman) #1

A new story entry has been added:
[drupal=174]Things You Were Too Afraid to Ask: Paul ‘MoP’ Greveson[/drupal]

The enigmatic being more commonly known as Paul ‘MoP’ Greveson is the subject of the latest installment in our on-going series of staff interviews. Paul is part of our small fleet of environment artists whose sole mission it is to make game levels really pretty without turning them into performance hogs. Easy, right?
To find out more about what Paul does at Splash Damage, his occasional guitar wailing, being involved in the Polycount community, and telling really bad jokes, read the full interview in Paul’s profile!

(kamikazee) #2

Hmmm, is the mandatory introduction still written by Bongoboy? I know he has a knack for writing stuff like that…

Also, yay at Grand Prix Circuit. I remember playing the game at some point though I might be confusing it with “Test drive”. I mostly trashed the car though, seeing how I was only 8 or even younger.

(MoP) #3

I just remembered Car & Driver too, which was a similarly awesome game, but with a really rubbish name.

(ericgreveson) #4

You’re forgetting a similarly awesome / hilarious driving game - Speed Haste. Oh, the humanity.

(DarkangelUK) #5

I can’t believe you didn’t mention Visual Science in Dundee… the highlight of your career!! :frowning:

(Murthy85) #6

Hello Paul. I am looking for a job as an Artist. I would love an opportunity to join Splash Damage. My website is and other W-I-P links are as follows. Any advice or help is much appreciated.

(jamiewalker) #7

I’m beginning my journey into games development (after suddenly realising that all my spare time is spent either playing or attempting to make them) and I just wanted to say thanks for these bits of information! It’s really nice to see that you can end up somewhere great if you work at it! 23 days until my first class!! :smiley: