They SHOULD make tapir wars a game

(Tapir101) #1

please sign the petition and make Tapir Wars a game!!:


(DarkangelUK) #2

I’m torn between my love for Splash Damage and my hate for tapirs.


(LeGuellec) #3

Do want :3

(Berzerkr) #4

Has the singleplayer a good story?
I will buy it as soon as it’s out in the stores.

(retsy) #5

this thread is retsy approved.

(aaa3) #6

som1 could just make such a mod for etqw or wet…

(retsy) #7

that som1 being splash damage

(kamikazee) #8

So what would this be? A game like Worms with tapirs?

(shagileo) #9

Signed ftw :stroggtapir:

(Nail) #10