TheDutchServer you crossed the line of norms

(giriel) #21

It appears as though they have restarted their efforts in ruining the game.
They are sending this instead of the regular infoResponse:
Cvar_Set2: com_errorMessage ET://
Cvar_Set2: com_errorMessage ET://

(acQu) #22

Well the thing is: when the server is not on the masterlist, it can not send any **** (well it can, but to who?). So maybe, and this is what i assume, he is terrorizing Pauls masterlist now, and you are still using Pauls list, which is btw very bad, because it gives only about 300 server, because all other servers stream to id now.

(Dragonji) #23

It still redirects to their server.

(acQu) #24

Hm, i do not get any redirects.

edit: or does it happen when you try to connect. Because i did not connect to an ET server for months.

(Dragonji) #25

I simply open the game, then click on “Play Online” and even before I can do anything the game asks me if I want to be redirected to Can someone do anything about it? This clan ruins the rest of our ET community!

(schnoog) #26

Check your etmain and mod folders for any suspect pk3 files and delete them.
Suspect means names like ~~… or zzz…

(Dragonji) #27

I don’t have any unnecessary files in my etmain, it’s definitely masterlist-side problem.

Stats for this Dutch server for past month:

(solchanel) #28

[QUOTE=giriel;401054]They are sending this instead of the regular infoResponse:
Cvar_Set2: com_errorMessage ET://
Cvar_Set2: com_errorMessage ET://[/QUOTE]
This is not the pk3 fault.
They spoof original inforesponse packet.

(acQu) #29

Yes. This has nothing to do with pk3’s.

The server seemed down at the time i queried. I now checked and he is on id masterlist, so i am getting inforesponses by it. The IP is also different from the one, which got already removed (IP of removed server is this: New Ip is this: =>

edit: is this IP from some provider, anyone knows ? Maybe send them an E-Mail to turn down contract!

(Gir) #30


I created an ET Patch which prevents the Redirects (with etkey support)

Enjoy :slight_smile:

@ cl_main.c

	} else if ( !Q_stricmpn( s, "ET://", 5 ) )       { // fretn

change to

	} else if ( !Q_stricmpn( s, "", 5 ) )       { // fretn

(giriel) #31

Yes it is definitely a bug in ET, quite cleverly found fcourse but this means that everyone needs to update their game (Thx for the nice patch Gir :slight_smile: )
It’s a shame that you can’t do much about that except for removing them from the masterlist once again.

edit: isn’t your patch going to prevent the functionality of the server facades?

(Mateos) #32

And has it been tested with ETPro?

(Smurfer) #33

There’s your precious, precious 2.60 for ya. Only 99% as bugged as 2.55.


(Indloon) #34

This means that if your ET.exe is opened and ET://someip:port is entered, you will connected to it.

But this weird, because that command can’t be sended if you haven’t been in contact with the server before???

I suspect some win viruses writing CMDs :o .

Because I’m 2.60b user since ages and I didn’t have any this kind problems last month.

E: Now I know why I didn’t have such problems.

I used etmaster master server, not idsoftware. Seems that the Dutchserver sended some bad stuff to idsoftwares master server, since player requests serverlist there, then he got virus or whatever what inserts that command all the time.

(Paul) #35

That patch won’t work with ET Pro and also disables the feature. What needs to be done is ID fixes there masterlist software to auto remove servers that spoof that packet. In the mean time, they need to blacklist his ip.

(.Chris.) #36

If he’s pissing around with their servers can’t they take legal action against him?

(giriel) #37

The IP has already been changed to :
They could start IP hopping although that seems quite expensive to me.

It is not a virus btw just a rewrite of the SVC_Info procedure.
Indeed as Paul suggested checking everyones response of the getinfo request would be an option.

EDIT: ok never mind that IP, they can insert there whatever they want fcourse.
Message still comes from :

(Gir) #38

I predicted the release of the ET Source Code would cause these Issues, ET is too vulnerable, Insecure and full of aimbots, just pull the plug on the game.

(Dutch_Vincent) #39

Ok i turn it off
Stop attcking my server or network! (i will fighting back!!!)

i have contact Splash Damage about it.



(Paul) #40

Vincent you are just ruining the game while you’re just a little pathetic kid. Ruining the game isn’t going to solve your personal problems.

Are you surprised people are “attacking” your network? You are pissing off every server admin by doing that.