The Unwritten Rules of Dirty Bomb

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #1
  1. Never chase an enemy Fletcher into a room. Ever.
  2. If you play Drop-and-Pop Proxy, you’re a bad person.
  3. Never boast about being topscore if you are playing Aura.
  4. Calling for a Vote Shuffle on the second half of a Stopwatch game is a sin.
  5. Expecting anything other than a Lead card from an Equipment Case is foolish.
  6. Spamming “Kawaii” is not funny.
  7. Teabagging is not appropriate if you didn’t kill the person you are teabagging.
  8. Always have an Aura on last point Bridge defense.
  9. If you see someone with a Founders card, enemy or ally, take at least ten seconds to stare in jealousy. No one will fault you.
  10. Don’t be a Dick.

(Press E) #2
  1. If your enemy pulls out their melee and you keep shooting, you’re a terrible person
  2. Anyone who plays an easymode merc like proxy/fragger/aura/arty/jav can’t boast about topscoring
  3. Thank your medic, even if they are an Aura. Unless they absolutely sucked
  4. Spamming kawaii actually is funny and you should do it more

(Nail) #3

5: that’s gonna end soon

(TheStrangerous) #4
  1. Phantom is not TF2 Spy. Stop trying to backstab enemies.
  2. Learn 2 Reload Cancel, it can save your life.

(Nail) #5

11: if your enemy pulls out melee and you keep shooting, you win


. Do not knife a downed Nader.
. Finish your ******* kill on a downed Phoenix.
. Do not smoke areas that will hurt your team.
. Use Skyhammer’s grenade indoors as well.
. Watch the spawn timers.
. Blow up generators instead of planting when possible.

(Your worst knifemare.) #7
  1. Calling Thunder OP while playing mercs like Fragger or Arty is unforgivable.

(Xenithos) #8

@Nail said:
11: if your enemy pulls out melee and you keep shooting, you win

Oh gosh, I laughed so hard. You’re evil, but you DO win.

  1. Don’t save your ability unless you pretty much don’t need it. Especially if you’re a class that isn’t assault.
  2. A lot of abilities can be charged for more potency, try it sometime.

(doxjq) #9
  1. uninstall the game

(GatoCommodore) #10

@doxjq said:
18) uninstall the game

  1. sell your shinies to get monies

(Wolven) #11

*. If you lose, be sure to blame your team, no matter how low your own score is.
*. If you win, be sure to say: “gg ez”
*. Always expect high level players to carry the match, all the time.

(n-x) #12
  • If your team already has 2 snipers be sure to pick vassili and hang back
  • If your team needs a medic and you have one in your squad, be sure to pick your Phantom instead. Try to exclusively stab people and end up with a K/D of 5/25
  • Never take a look at your team composition, ever. It’s all about you. And if you want to play the 4th Proxy on defense, then do it. NVM that your team has no medic and you have an Aura in your squad

(znuund) #13

3a. If you play aura and are not on top of the board, then you got carried.

(GatoCommodore) #14

@Wo1ven said:
*. If you win, be sure to say: “gg ez”

more like

*. Be sure to score the lowest and type: ez game l2p noob

(LifeupOmega) #15

11. If your enemy pulls out their melee and you keep shooting, you’re a terrible person

More like I’m not an idiot.

  1. Anyone who plays an easymode merc like proxy/fragger/aura/arty/jav can’t boast about topscoring

Every merc is easy mode though.

(Artyrim) #16

20 - Don’t follow a Proxy, enemy or teammate If not you will die

@MuddyGrenade said:
2. If you play Drop-and-Pop Proxy, you’re a bad person.


@MuddyGrenade said:
4. Calling for a Vote Shuffle on the second half of a Stopwatch game is a sin.

I have problems every single day with this.People are too stupid to use their heads and loss with honor

(Press E) #17

tsk tsk, the amount of people here with no honour is disturbing

(bgyoshi) #18

Joke’s on you

The unwritten rules are now written rules.

(Sorotia) #19

I see most people break most of these rules…especially yesterday…had this dude who could only kill me with backup and t-bagged me a few times…sure was quiet when I called him out on it lol.

Hard to go a game without dicks in it

Hard to go a game without a pizza delivery Proxy

(Nail) #20

tsk tsk, the amount of people here with no honour is disturbing

the fact that people think this way about video games is truly frightening, it’s a game, the point is winning, not socializing, we got outside for that