The HOG :D

(asmo) #1

okay, just wondering.

so i’m driving hog, and i see GDF’s radar, sometimes i have to “hog” it few times before it’s destroyed.

BUT from time to time… i hit the deployable just once (AND I’M NOT EVEN DRIVING FAST) while it have full health, and when i hit it, puf, the radar is destroyed. just like that. Maybe i need to hit it using proper angle to get this effect. Or maybe you know more about it, i’m just too lazy to test it :smiley:

yesterday i killed 2 radars and one AVT in a row with 3 hog kisses, but that was luck, i bet

(Donnovan) #2

Not sure, but i think a accelerating HOG have a lot of force on the impact.

(ED209) #3

You may have been assisted by the All Mighty Invisible Magog… or it’s just random stuff that just happaens

(light_sh4v0r) #4

I also sometimes die in a hog while the deployable takes very little damage. Not sure what it is, probably the angle.

(brbrbr) #5

hog speed +alt-fire, i guess.
but i agree, something its happen artificially[nearly zero-speed-rolling Hog, crush full-hp deployable in single blow].

(Stroggafier) #6

maybe similar mechanic to Hogging a tank at full speed with shields attached, yet hog misses the kill. May have to do with angle of attack to object brush surface, speed, hit points, etc. who knows?

(signofzeta) #7

yeah, I hog a tank too. I camp up in the mountains and fire at the strogg base, and it is so cool. Lots of deployable kills.

Oh THAT hog.