The FINALE shot

(kiunk) #1

hi forum,

Have any pc players experimented with this…
A friend and I are having fun putting on a firework show in the final game screen.
So far best results have been at outdoor maps.
We’ve had 2 crates down, arty firing into background of the final shot, turrets and vehicles falling into shot, smoke, nades and mines going off eveywhere and then guys fall from the sky by respawning in a flyer at final screen.
edit, and we also have had the 3rd eye cam disco ball thang going on in end screen… : )
Its like taking a bow for the audience.


(light_sh4v0r) #2

vid or it didn’t happen :wink:

I usually try things like airstrikes when I’m in range, but not more than that.

(kiunk) #3

np, i have only device to capture at 576P or PAL. back soon.

(kiunk) #4

something along these lines. GDF finale screen at area22.

