"The Bridge of Remagen" Beta Shots!

(sock) #81

Just an idea, why not setup some tugs (like in railgun) which can run back and forth across the bridge so the players “can” get across the bridge quicker.


(freekill) #82

ive seen this befor somone else it working n the exact same map …

(BXpress) #83

Just an idea, why not setup some tugs (like in railgun) which can run back and forth across the bridge so the players “can” get across the bridge quicker.


well i was thinkin of something like this:)


on Sunday im going to visit Remagen… ill make a video and many pics :slight_smile:
if u want, i can upload the video! :banana:

(MytMowse) #84

wow thats really looking nice.

(MytMowse) #85

How did you take those screen shots from the game? cuz when I try either it doesn’t make the screen shot and I dunno how to fly around like that if I try noclip and the stuff to get cheats working it doesn’t do a thing. says cheats not enabled, even though I did the sv_cheat 1

(BXpress) #86

ok, tomorrow ill head to Remagen and see whats up there!
shots, videos etc. well, and the hottest day of the week! :banana:

(Pog'S) #87


Nice progress on the map :slight_smile:
But there is one thing that i find not too realistic is the sets of bushes / trees in front of the bridge entrance. Germans would have removed these trees to allow maximum visibility around the bridge.

(BXpress) #88

ok, ill remove them :-/

(redfella) #89

I think the trees are a nice break from the montonous terrain. Imo you should keep them. Otherwise, the map is looking sharp! gj


(MytMowse) #90

I think the tree’s looked good.

(lennyballa) #91

lol what a discussion. If u don’t know what to do just remove the half :stuck_out_tongue:
then everybody is happy

(BXpress) #92

hehe, yea, well, we will see. im heading to remagen in a half an hour.
if theres a museum with picsn stuff, ill visit it! :slight_smile:
and at last, the rest of the Ludendorff bridge! :chef:

(BXpress) #93

k, sorry for that doubble post…
i have been in remagen and erpel, really nice there:)
in remagen there was a “Bridge of Remagen”-museum in Remagens 2 towers!
here are some shots ^^

(Ubiquitous) #94

Those are some beautiful pictures you took. It gives you a good idea of just how big this place is…

(BXpress) #95

yes, i always wanted to have people on ym shots… so i can make it all original sized :smiley:

(niko) #96

have you tried play testingit yet??

(redfella) #97

Is that you in the bottom pic? Nice shots! Looks like North Carolina! lol

(Ifurita) #98

I think that it would be really cool to have another map in the campaign, that leads to the bridge. Maybe the Allies could escort a tank thru the town to the other side. You could add a picture of the bridge to the skybox, so that at the end (near the end of the town), you could look down the hill and actually see the bridge, which is the setting for the next map

(BlackSeer) #99

Love it :smiley:

(Velorum) #100

so00ooo00oo when can we expect a beta of this so we can test it out?