Thank you devs finaly

(Mc1412013) #1

Thank you for finaly removing the levels from public view in the score boards during a match. My potato aim thanks you

(Begin2018) #2

They really did it? I dislike this. It won’t improve your aim anyway.

(DarkangelUK) #3

I don’t think anyone claimed it would…

However it should reduce the amount of instant quitters when they see higher levels on the opposite team, or ragey kids mouthing off at “nolife high levels”

(Begin2018) #4

It’s just “I am high level but my aim sucks”. Solution 1 : Improve your aim. Solution 2 : Hide your level. I’m not really sure the solution 2 is the best…

What’s the problem if they quit because they think they are too low levels? They quit then higher level people join, it wasn’t a problem at all.

(DarkangelUK) #5

That’s really not how it works, half the time it just stays imbalanced with uneven teams or they just get replaced with other low levels, or higher level players join, see balance is fooked and insta-leave again because they can’t be arsed with the loss or having to carry.

(Begin2018) #6

You are saying the problem is balance. Hiding levels won’t improve balance anyway. It will be worse because now we have one less information to make balance ourself.

(DarkangelUK) #7

I never said the problem is balance, I said the problem is that it caused people to quit which drove an imbalance.

(Begin2018) #8

Before this change, I didn’t switch team to play with my friends if I was the only one high level in my team, to not destroy (more) the balance. Now I won’t know then I will switch…

(DarkangelUK) #9

I still believe the overall benefits will outweigh your single personal example.

(Begin2018) #10

Not me. It’s better to have more tools, not less.

(DarkangelUK) #11

It’s not a tool, it was an arbitrary number that was meaningless and caused more issues being shown that it does when hidden, it wasn’t useful at all once that number reached a point.

(Jan S.) #12

They should just use some personal ranking instead, or nothing.
Levels didn’t help anything, many times players got harassed for being nolifers, being good, or being bad. So literally for just being there. And players leaving or spamming shuffle vote.

(HadronZodiac) #13

Imo its better to fix the problem instead of covering up the problem

(Jan S.) #14

It is, but levels really are meaningless, especially after this update

(Begin2018) #15

It isn’t because levels aren’t everything that it mean nothing at all. It isn’t so arbitrary, it isn’t random…

(K1X455) #16

So hiding the levels appears to be placebo for rage quitters.

Maybe it’s high time SD does something to really curb that behaviour.

D9 suggested a while back to award the XP/credit earned by the rager equally to the players who remained.

(Ptiloui) #17

Alas, can’t fix stupidity. You could even make a tutorial for the sole purpose of teaching people that levels means nothing, they’ll still find a way to rant about other player’s level/rank/whatever you may call it :

  • A low rank/level player overperforming you ? Might be a cheater…
  • A high rank/level player underperforming ? Might get carried all his way…

Hiding levels don’t hurt anyone. You’ll be judged only during the ongoing match. I think on the long run, we already know who is good and who is bad on average only by the name of players. Start to fear someone’s name, not an arbitrary number before it.

That’s a nice one. Could have been a good idea to add this in ranked, so remaining players earned some rank progression based on leavers’ own rank.

(HadronZodiac) #18

Obviously levels dont mean as much as people think, but a level 19 is likely to be at a disadvantage to a level 56. Ever since quickjoin came back, matches like this have multiplied

(DarkangelUK) #19


High levels would swap to be with other high levels. High levels would swap to get away from low levels. High levels would quit if they were teamed with low levels and other high levels were bunched (usually due to high level swapping over to be with others). Low levels would quit when they saw too many high levels on one side (usually due to high levels swapping to be with others). The numbers themselves are arbitrary, having them on display caused billshit behaviour that ruined the experience because of their perception of a number.

(Begin2018) #20

People will still rage quit when they loose and/or get rekt. Nothing will change just because you hide levels… As it changed nothing at all in Ranked.