I feel like you’re completely failing to grasp any of the concept at all. No one said it would stop them doing those things, however it curbs the other reasons for them to mess up games RELATED TO LEVELS BEING SHOWN for the reasons I just highlighted.
But seriously this was a good call, levels don’t matter, someone could be low level and be a Quake Champions pro playing for the first time here. So, it doesn’t represent someone’s skill or experience.
Honestly being able to see levels helped me a lot. It told me who I needed to support and who I could count on. If an aura is level 50, they’ve probably got it. But if they’re level 4, I might been to go medic to support them. And knowing that information before a match starts helps everyone, whereas now I have to pay close attention to how people do as I play.
And no, before someone says it, level =/= skill. What level does equal however, is experience. And in general the more practice you have with something, the better you are. Yes, there are exceptions, but on average a high level medic will do better than a low level one.
I was level 120 something I think before the update, level 391 now. It was extremely rare to see someone cite my level in a complaint at me, much less that they’d actually switch. Considering how many times I was able to say “level 80 medic? They’ve got this, I’m going to go engi instead of going medic for the first half and realizing I didn’t need to”, I’d much rather be able to see levels.
Besides, idk why people talk about hiding levels like it’s some divine intervention that’s going to fix all DB’s problems. CMM and ranked were just as salty as the server browser even without levels. Removing team switching would be a far better choice than removing levels, since that’s the only real problem that gets abused because of them.
I know im terrible and my reaction time isnt where it should be but now i dont have people calling me out for being a high level with bad aim. It makes things way more enjoyable when your not being berated all the time.
I understand what developers wanna do … here a lot of nubs
I playing every day with like 10+ who don’t know the map
I even agree don’t display my 440 lvl
But I don’t wanna play with cheaters 3 lvl who was yesterday (only headshots) … and think sometimes: “oh …maybe its PRO 700 lvl+”
I don’t wanna attack EV alone … and trying to kill all enemy team … and think sometimes:
“oh … maybe I have Pro teammates who can cover me or attack with me or even can heal me”
I don’t wanna play against the wall of skilled 400lvl+ with my nub team without any knowledge of the map
IF u don’t wanna show my lvl … go show another information …
Also I wanna revards for my lvl … unique skins for 500lvl and other stuff.
I wanna title “Skilled PLayer” … maybe …
Show this information please … its impossible to play now without this.
Think of it this way.
There are two burgers (or whatever food you want, really) that look exactly the same on a table. They both look delicious, and you’d be willing to eat either of them up. The tastes may or may not be different, you’d only really know from eating each.
Now imagine that those exact same burgers are on a table, but in front of each is a piece of paper. One says it was made by world-renowned chef who’s the lead of a 5-Star restaurant, and the other says it was store bought from a nearby supermarket. Naturally, you would instantly assume that the burger made by the famous chef is going to taste better than the store bought burger, even if they look EXACTLY the same. It’s possible that the 5-Star burger could taste like ass on a plate, but you wouldn’t know that until you actually ate it. It’s possible that the store-bought burger could be the greatest burger you’ve ever eaten in your life, but you wouldn’t know that until you actually ate it.
Levels in Dirty Bomb work the same way, or at least similarly. When you join a server, you may see that on one team there is a level 100+, and the other has a level 13. There is an open slot on both teams. Which team are you gonna join?
The answer is pretty obvious. Removing levels on the scoreboard is the same as removing the pieces of paper from the table. Both players could be of the same skill, but one has this number that basically just says “I have earned more XP than the other guy,” and nothing more. Is it usually safe to assume that a level 225 is a better player than a level 4? Yes. Is it usually safe to assume that a burger made by a master chef is gonna taste better than a store-bought burger? Yes. But removing these labels pits skill against skill, not number against number.
It’s meant as an exaggeration lol. I’m saying there are a lot of people who obsess over hiding levels, when in reality matches are pretty much just as salty even when they are hidden.
Read the rest of my post before getting hung up on one hyperbole xP
Just remember to change your Steam profile to private or friends only, otherwise you’ll be called out with statements like “1k hours at DB and still can’t aim”.
If you can’t make a solid point without hyperbole then maybe re-read your own post Even with your “tame” version, I still don’t see people who obsess over it. Anywhere in particular this happens or is it easier to give a vague pointer towards mythical people to help put your point across? When CMM was on the go I stuck to server browser, every issue listed happened regularly, tonight alone I barely saw any of it, so yay?
Can we all just agree to disagree on this matter, this is literally going in circles at this point. Yes, being able to see levels has its pros and cons, just like having the levels hidden does. The issue is more in how SD neglected to curb the behavioral tendency before it became a common pattern and widespread issue. That, in turn, forced them to make a snap decision and abrupt change before it became worse; this change is likely a product of them realizing just how “in over their heads” they allowed themselves to get with the issue if anything. Their choice of solution seems to lack much of a prompt or any real thought behind it, giving me the impression that this is a band-aid solution made out of sheer panic.
@DarkangelUK In fairness to @STARRYSOCK sometimes a bit of theatrics is useful for conveying the heart of a point one is attempting to make; it doesn’t necessarily have to be directly tethered to the explanation, per say ,and can be purely for emphasis as I believe it was intended to be here. Now that’s not to say there isn’t some truth in this, as there have been more than a few instances where I could cite anecdotal evidence of people complaining over high levels from even two days ago.
People will gripe over the dumbest of things, and people will often prefer to take the easy-way-out (such as the band-aid solution Splash Damage took here) rather than have to suffer through the barrage of verbal abuse, it’s part of human nature; perhaps it’s not the most admirable or brightest part of us, but a part of what defines us nonetheless. That isn’t to say either side is right or wrong, it’s not a simple black-and-white issue; there is a gray-area here and it complicates the matter to where you will not be able to please all parties involved. So let’s just agree to disagree and get back to having an actual constructive discussion.
@Eox@Kirays you guys may wanna keep tabs on this discussion in case it goes further off the rails.
I don’t understand. You are trying to say a level 1 burger is the same thing than a level 300 burger? Sorry, but the level 300 burger know the maps, trick jumps, all mercs of the game and probably know some strategies too. While the level 1 know nothing about this, even if he’s a Quake veteran… Because the game content is different. They aren’t the same burgers at all, even if you remove the label on them.
I’m not saying that a level 1 and a level 300 are the same, I’m just saying you shouldn’t know that until you see how they play. That’s why I said they LOOK exactly the same, not that they ARE exactly the same.
It’s way faster to just read the label. And I’ll become as fat as Rhino if I have to taste every burger
Seriously, why should I loose 10 minutes of my life to realise everyone on the server just installed the game, except me? I will quit anyway and go to another one, it’s just a waste of time. Especially if I have to do this on every servers until I find the good one.
Displaying levels is a good way to find the server that can be interesting to play on.