Terrain Model Filetype

(light_sh4v0r) #21

That skybox doesn’t look all that great though, seems low res.

(Boktor) #22

Donnovan - You can export a lower poly model from Earthscupltor if you import the mesh, decimate it, then export it

king_troll, these programs have free versions. I wouldn’t be using them if it cost me £4000 :wink:

Ignore what I said in my last post, I still don’t really have a method I’m happy with. I’ll give Terragen 2 a try this weekend

(king_troll) #23

i rendered it with detail 0.2 or 0.3, detail 1, takes too long for a random forum post image, there a plenty of decent images on google

(PyroGXPilot) #24

http://www.pixologic.com/sculptris/ in conjunction w/blender.