a simple way to make terrains is tg2 :
1>double click on the heightfield generator object in located on the terrain node [ the bottom right window ]
2>in the new popup panel, to the side of the new height field checkbox, replace values 1000 | 1000 with 310 | 310, this is the amount of polys and smoothness, below enter the unit terrain size 32,768 | 32,768, and then click on the generate button
3>right click on the heightfield generator object in located on the terrain node [ the bottom right window ] and choose [ heightfield export LWO ]
4>right click on the heightfield generator object in located on the terrain node [ the bottom right window ] and choose [ heightfield adjust verticle ]
5>in the new popup panel, check the [ set height range ] box, and lower the hightest slidebar, to make cliffs/hills around the terrain
1>double click on the heightfield export LWO object in located on the terrain node [ the bottom right window ], and export the terrain