As long as it can be modded and isn’t a closed system I don’t mind.
I bet it’s a bethesda engine… Doesn’t look anything like what could be done by id Tech 4 engine (HDR Lightning anyone?)
Bethesda don’t make engines. They have been using gamebryo for an age.
As Deano said earlier, we’ve made a positively huge amount of modifications and improvements to the tech - the screenshots really speak for themselves there (again, these are in-engine without any retouching in Photoshop).
DeanoC, who’s avatar says he’s a Lead Programmer, says it’s idTech 4
They are having trouble suspending their disbelief. One might remember that some of the earliest alpha screenshots of QuakeWars had people saying the same things: it must be photohopped, it couldn’t be the Doom engine because it wasn’t designed for outdoors landscapes, the quality of user screenshots doesn’t exactly match ones produced by SD (on their 8 core servers with 4 top-of-the-line video cards and max settings), etc etc etc…
What SD does is take an iD engine and soup it up for their needs. They take a Ferrari, add a supercharger, nitrous oxide and a hot babe, and then resell it back to you as a value added product. It’s the add-ons that improve the game engine, but its the gameplay that defines the experience. People expect both eye-popping graphics and balanced gameplay, so they are equally important in a modern game. By the time the comp players get done, the graphics are turned down so much that the game world just becomes blurry amorphous blobs, but pub players love the immersion that finely tuned graphics and sound offer…
I’ll say one thing on that subject that I mentioned over on the ETQW forums. Having graphical settings based not only on traditional performance scale but also allowing clarity (call it Pro-Mode or something) based scales would be an excellent option (even for consoles).
By that I mean I’d happily trade off immediate, local range texture quality if it meant I got a greater draw distance. That is something which we’ve had to dig through config files for in the past and ultimately leads to the “is it or is it not a cheat argument”.
[QUOTE=DeanoC;191939]Its a heavily modified Quake Wars engine (idTech 4), its got a completely new renderer, new multi-core architecture (a job system for NUMA (PS3) and SMP systems), a new tools framework and lots more.
We think its the best of both worlds, get tried and tested Quake Wars tech (its often underestimated how much time it takes to get shipping tech) but with new shiny bits where required.
We hope the screen shots, show shiny new renderer is doing okay ;)[/QUOTE]
Wow. Stunning work, guys! I’m sure being confused with id tech 5 can be taken as a compliment to the fine job you’ve guys have done. Looking forward to seeing it in action.
Being the annoying bastard that I am, will we be able to record netdemos and capture footage as per usual? I don’t really see why not but thought i’d ask. Will we also still be limited to 30fps capture rate if we can?
I imagine the entire game world consisting of a cluster of floating islands, adding custom content that has been officially validated won’t be a too big step too take.
they might be virtual to the virtual in game characters, sort of like world of world of warcraft.
woooowww… thats extreme tech right there